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Hence the last day...feels like entered those gates yesterday only...now these three years feels like three days. Change was expected. But I didn't expect my world would turn a 360 degree. But the best part is I've a Degree in my hands now... Adieu to my College. This'll be the last time sitting in my favourite spot in the college. Or may be in the world. The Clock Tower. I love this view. It's so high that students or teachers won't be able to see you from ground. I really love to watch all those atrocities, pranks, friendship, love...and so much more. Me, My KitKat and this ambience...its heaven.

In the evening time there'll always be a soft magic breeze which miraculously wipes out all your worries, stress or anything negative in your mind. Then why its magic not working now...Need it badly though...
Anyways, I actually stole this place from my best friend. This secret passage to the top was found by Aaron and he made it his personal hide out. Sometimes to escape from me and sometimes from our gang. Yeah...I know...who'd escape from their friends? But due to the exclusive behaviours of our gang, it's negotiable. That much crazy we are. I don't know how we're putting up with each other. Not a single person is normal. I hope they'll be with me tomorrow...

As I was saying, I stole this place from Aaron and even forbid him to enter this place without my permission. I've always thought how does he handle my stubborn tantrums...He knows me in and out. He is my everything...my best friend, my partner in crime, my brother, he'll be there whenever I need him. And he brought me here on that day. I don't even want to think about that day. May be tomorrow is going to be another D-Day to me. Don't worry girl, it'll be alright. You've been through worse. Those idiots will be with you...may be forever. And you don't need anyone else. I love my idiots.

My friends...those idiots...what should I tell about them. First word coming to my mind is CRAZY. They're literally crazy. Me too. We're the Octavians...yup. Since we're 8 people. Isn't that a cool name? Yeah, I know. It was suggested by me. So cool, right? Even though we've a group name and all, I call them idiots.

Let me introduce those crazy idiots.
First of all Aaron Richards, my best friend. I know him since my 10th grade. Short tempered, sophisticated, but wild, crazy idiot. An excellent writer...he's a crazy philosopher. Hidden talent: he loves to draw. But never shown me any of his drawings. I think nobody knows about it, except Alex. He only draw in his Bubble Break. That's what he calls his personal space. No one is allowed in his bubble break, not even Alex. And above all he's my best friend. Everyone in the college says, we're putting up a show in front of everybody to hide our romantic relationship...yuck. He's like my brother, I can't even think of him like that. Same goes for him. I'm his baby sister. There was even a fight regarding this. Chris told Aaron some unwanted and very bad things about our friendship, which was the start of an Epic Rivalry. Actually we know each other since 10th grade, still I don't know why he told all those things. They don't talk to each other now. Then Chris made another gang and of course we hate them. So that's Aaron.

Next is Alex Richards, yup they're twins. Fraternal twins. No one would believe they're twins. Only twinning thing in them is their height. They're like huge trees. Alex is the Calm one though. Also the peacemaker in the group. Never badmouth about anyone. And always control me from my very well planned pranks. He's good with guitars. He likes to play it a lot, always carries one. But what we love the most is his voice. It's so soothing and mesmerizing. But he doesn't like it. We've to push him a lot to sing. I'm pretty sure only the Octavians had heard him sing. He's in the College Band.

I'm not trying brag about it, let's say I also sing and I'm the lead female singer. And the most important thing about Alex, he has a mysterious girlfriend. That's my theory. He said he likes a girl, and won't reveal her now. That means, it's his girlfriend, right? Otherwise he could tell us, we're his gang. I've turned on my detective mode for these past 2 years and still I couldn't find her. I've two conclusions, first, may be the girl is from Chris' gang, Second, which I fear at the same time excites me is that, the girl is from our gang. And yeah I being a girl in our group had a chance about 20%. Which came down to 0% yesterday, when I told everyone about my D-Day tomorrow. I didn't even see a flinch in his eyes. That means it's not me. And I know Aaron knows who the girl is. And the act he puts on saying we need to find her and all that....pshh...rubbish... I know he won't share with me because of the stupid twin bond. And one more thing about Alex, never be on his bad side. He's not short tempered, quite the opposite. But when he gets angry, he explodes. So, never hurt Aaron. I still remember Jacob's face, friend of Chris. Alex got suspension for it about a month.

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