Jungkook looked me with concern and serious face he held my hand and took me inside of his company we reached at the employees area I looked at him with confused expression

Lights were on but the all ways were closed he ordered the guards to turn off the employees area's camera I noticed that the cameras were also off now....is he gonna do it with me here?? I mean he can do it I am ready but he don't know that I want oh my god yn what the fuck you are thinking..... aishh i am sorry Jesus I will not think something like this forgive me......someday this overthinking will kill me I was busy in my delulu until

He took my hand and pinned me to a random table he put his both hands on the table where I was pinned basically he caged me between his strong arms

"Wha-what are you'-----...." He cutted me off by saying

"Who did this...???" His deep and slow voice gave me deep chill down my spine he touched my cheeks while rubbing his thumb at the side of my lips slowly from where blood was coming earlier

"Huh!!" Only some confused gasped came out from my mouth I felt like he was eating me alive with his dominant stare

"No extra words baby!! Only answer the question I am asking!! Hmmm!?" He again said with his slow voice my adrenaline was flowing in my whole body I was feeling very nervous i couldn't help but breath heavily like I did a crime....yes a crime for looking so much at my husband he was being a sweet guy down there infront of sevi but here....

I was deep in thought but not till I felt a hand on my waist suddenly he pushed me towards him my chest was collided to his an embarrassment blush rushed on my cheeks the contact of our body was very sudden and fast i couldn't able to process this whole thing which is happening

I observed our state my hands were on his chest trying to not let his chest to touch my boobs while him... his one was on my waist while other on the table still caging me this time i looked at his face.....his face showing how much tired he is seems like he didn't ate anything from the day I was kidnapped should I tell him about James but what about his and James project???? I shouldn't ruin it right...!!!

"I am asking you something!!!" He again said his voice was showing anger....for me?

"No'-- I wanted to ex--explore--'...!!" I was lying to him but suddenly he kissed me my eyes were widened I became numb and blank for a minute he wasn't kissing me he was eating me I felt his teeths softly taking my lower lips inside of his mouth he started depending the kiss he stepped towards me making my leg stick on the table suddenly he lifted me up and made me sit on the table he was still kiss me he stood between my legs and started touching my thighs

Out of sudden I felt his other hand around chest after some more time he cupped my left side boob and squeezed it making me gasp he took it as oppertunity and added his tongue into my mouth in this whole makeout i controlled my nerves and didn't kissed him back BECAUSE I AM STILL TRYING TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE!!!!

after sometime he pulled back and opened his eyes he looked at me and caressed my hairs

"Now tell me the truth otherwise I will do more further!!" He said..... please daddy do it!!!! Ok i think I should tell him why i should suffer alone he is my husband i should tell him!!

I gathered all my courage and said "James Smith ki- kidnapped me!!"

I didn't heard any voice I looked at him i noticed an anger range on his face which I never saw before he was about to leave me but I hold his arm

"Jungkook wait!!!" I said he looked at me with his red eyes....he is very angry how to calm him???how to calm him??? i looked at him then I nodded at my mind plan to calm him

The Real Beauty || Jk ff || 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt