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He slept through the night curled up with little Niko. However when he awoke in the very early morning it was still dark out. Little Niko was gone and the faint scent of Reina still lingered. He wasn't sure what had awakened him. He hadn't lifted his head yet so he didn't see what lay just below him. Blinking his eyes and trying to get back to sleep. However a low rumble and the breeze that carried the scent of two massive carnivores. He was wide awake now and he gently stood up. Softly moving forward he peered over the edge of the cliff side den.

His heart beat with fear and he slowly backed away from the edge. Moving to the pathway that lead up to the den. The last thing he needed was to be cornered up here. Turning his body he slowly moved downward. Until he was free of the pathway. The pair of gigas had a young one with them so he knew that they were hunting him. Easing slowly away so not to draw their attention to him with his footsteps. Once he was a safe distance away from the two he began walking away from the den.

He was at a loss as to what happened to Niko and his mate. She seemed extremely elusive and he had begun to wonder if he was unwanted by her. Heading towards the large crater he filled up on water. As the sun begun to rise a familiar scent filled his senses. Another fire had broke out within the crater. Sending his already nervousness into a full blown panic. Letting out a fearful roar he took off. Each impact of his right leg sent hot shots of pain to his brain.

Finally he cleared the rim of crater and he was close to his old territory. Looking over the edge of the crater he shook himself out. His eyes burned from the smoke and his leg throbbed painfully. But today there was a new pain one in his heart. His baby and his mate had vanished. Head turned into the opposite direction he began to walk towards his old territory. However he didn't stop there he continued his trek east until he happened across a bone filled landscape that seemed so desolate. Almost like an animal burial ground. Picking at the bones left there he caught wind of a corpse.

Sniffing the air he followed the scent to the corpse. When he arrived there he made sure the coast was clear. Once he was safe he began ripping huge chunks of meat from the bones. Swallowing them whole like a starving dog. Thankfully the meat wasn't rancid so he wouldn't get sick from it. The animal itself looked like it had died of old age. Coming here for some unknown reason to die in peace. Thankful that it did die here so to feed himself. He needed to find someplace to rest for the night. Having food in his stomach he could rest and let his leg rest.

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