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Once he arrived in his home cave he made himself comfortable. Falling asleep easier this time around with the care the Rams provided. However it still didn't chase away the dreams they continued to chase him throughout the night. Would he ever be able to sleep, would the dreams ever go away?? He often wondered to himself. Soft whimpers echoed through the cave all night. When the sun rose the following morning he felt stiff and sore from the hard cave floor. Shaking his head he moves to standing slowly. Stretching his leg he felt a pop and a huge relief flooded him.

Moving out of his cave he scented the air. Making sure it was all clear to move from it. Satisfied he began to move. It was a different direction this time. He had picked up the scent of something new. His instincts drove him onward and he traveled most of the day. Finally he found it a hot spring. The warm waters were beckoning him forward. Once he made sure that there was no danger he stepped forward. The warmed water enveloped him in a warm soothing embrace. A sigh of comfort escaped his toothy muzzle.

Dozing off as he soaked his muscles only waking when his stomach growled. Stepping out of the water he scented something new. Taking his tongue he began to lick the rock. It was salty and hand a strange taste. However his body seemed to crave it. He didn't stop until he felt the need too. Finally satisfied he filled up on water and explored around the area. Hidden with in the trees he discovered another nicer sized cave. He stayed in this area for several days. Soaking away the aches the humans hadn't been able to help with.

He began to explore more than expanding his exploration each day. Learning the beach always seemed to have food to offer. He enjoyed watching the long neck fish play in the water. Their song was soothing and soft. Sometimes they would even bring him shells from the depths of the vast water. He quickly learned this water wasn't safe for drinking. He would eat carrion that washed up on the shoreline. So he remained there for several days. Each evening soaking in the hot-springs before sleeping in the cave. His nightmares still hung around though.

Finally after he felt much better one morning he slipped away exploring further than he ever had. Back through his old cave area and back through the Crater he had found on his first day. He filled up on mineral rock and water before going g forward with his exploration. He happened to exit the rim on the other side of the crater to a wide open field. The trees were scarce here and that made him nervous. The plains were filled with herbivores. Herds of land long necks, smaller spiky looking dinosaurs and small raptors. He spotted in his field of view. He moved along the edge of the field to watch these creatures from a distance. However a familiar scent filled the air. It was one of his kind.

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