A New Beginning

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Slowly sky blue eyes open peering around. He felt a bit woozy from the medicine he was on. His pain was light due to the medication. He tried lifting his head but it felt heavy. A soft cry of confusion left his mouth. A calm gentle voice sounded close by. "Easy there little one everything is okay. You have nothing to worry about here." The unfamiliar female human spoke. Her voice gentle enough that he calmed down. Somehow feeling safe enough to relax. She had saved him from the clutches of death. The painful collar was gone and his painful wounds were just a dull thud. However he felt his stomach rumble as if crying for substance.

"You must be hungry," she spoke softly again. However he didn't understand her words. His eyes watching her every move as if waiting for the fight command he had learned from his handlers. It wasn't but a moment later that a small chunk of red meat was laid in front of his muzzle. Lifting his heavy wobbling head he picked up the tender morsel. It melted in his mouth and it made him drool.

A smile crossed the humans features as she set down another piece of bite size meat. He waited until her hand moved before taking it. Again it melted into his senses. Yet again she laid another down and he repeated the movement. Until he looked like a little stuffed balloon. Contently he laid his head back down. He was finally full a feeling he had never before felt in the hands of his handlers. He only knew pain and hunger from them.

The female human left him to rest. Although he was in a kennel like cage it was much more comfortable than the old one he was use too. He had a bowl of fresh clean water there close by. He could feel the drowsiness setting in once again. Completely unaware that he had been given medication with his meat. His breathing levels out as his pretty blue eyes began to close. His body temperature was perfect and he laid upon a thick soft blanket.

His days were spent much like this one. Eating drinking and sleeping. The medication began to come to a halt. His recovery coming along much faster. He had also begun to grow and fill out. Looking much more like the predator that he was as supposed to be. The pain was still there but only if he over did or run. He begun to learn his limits and what he could do.

Dr Calico continued to care for him just like she always did. But always a bit more on the cautious side since he had grown much taller than her. His scales shined a bright green and yellow color. Now Dr Calico knew it was time to release him onto the reserve. With a heavy heart she opened the gates to his enclosure. The one she had never opened before.

Stepping out into the sunlight for the first time since the accident Lucky began to look around. The reserve was filled with dinosaurs just like himself. Rescues, creations, and Adopted dinosaurs. On this reserve once released they could live out their lives like they where always meant to be.

Lucky the Allosaurus Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum