Rules #2

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21. Nigeria is limited to one dramatic monologue a day. 

22. If anyone attacks another keeper in a meeting they go in the corner.

23. Britain has requested that the former British Empire colonies stop talking in british accents and dialects whenever near him.

24. No weapons allowed in the meeting hall.

25. No stabbing people with pens.

26. Singapore is banned from the kitchens.

27. Botswana is not allowed to throw stuffed elephants at others (Germany).

28. Mali, stop conducting swivel chair races.

29. West Malaysia, stop swearing in different languages. I have been learning about them and will get you if you do.

30. Madagascar is not allowed to sell witch doctor 'remedies'. 

31. Haiti cannot sell Vodou items.

32. San Marino must stop collecting coins on UN-owned properties. So many people have tripped on you.

33. All Slavic nations must not hold drinking parties, nobody can handle their alcohol like you guys.

34. Montenegro, stop picking people up if they insinuate they want to reach something. Wait for them to tell you in no uncertain terms.

35. Cyprus, stop attempting to play matchmaker for your colleagues. Human or Keeper.

36. Afghanistan, your entity thing is dripping everywhere. Stop it dripping please.

37. Kuwait, stop bringing Ghuraibah into meetings to eat while watching others fight.

38. New Zealand and Kyrgyzstan, stop it with your sheep obsessions. Bringing in a herd of sheep during a meeting is not okay. 

39. Indonesia, stop doing your weird ritual in the hallways.

40. Guatemala, I know it is you who is flicking the lights on and off. Stop it.


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