Email #818767

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Beatrice felt bad. She had already been through restricted files fuelled by the encouragement of that hacker, but now she did it again. Unprompted. Maybe she could play thus off as her recovering lost things. Great. . . then again why has he still using these files, since they were attacked? It was weird when he suddenly added this file, wasn't it? Besides she's done it before. She just needed to know. It looked to be a email and it was weird to have an email in his files.



To: Marie, Dimitri,

From: United Nations,

Hello praetors of the Doves.

I have a task for you. You remember we had a cyber attack right? The computer engineer I hired overstepped and started looking at restricted files and conversing with the hacker. She has found things she shouldn't and is being very nosy. I let it be the first time however CSTD has let me known about multiple things she has done, I have come to the decision that she is dangerous and needs to be taken care of. I trust that you two will handle this in an appropriate way and can call on the other doves if you deem it is befitting. I've arranged most of her neighbours to be away on Wednesday except for the old lady who lives above her. So she should be all alone in her community.

Good luck, you won't need it though,

United Nations.


What? Today was Wednesday. Beatrice's neighbours were all away on vacation or business or family stuff. They asked her to water their plants. Her breathing started becoming erratic, as she could hear her heart in her ears. There was no way this was a joke. It lined up too perfectly. Breathing in and out she thought about why wasn't the hacker being dealt with? Maybe they already were, she started wiping her eyes as she wondered about the two names in the email... Marie and Dimitri... Pol-


Run. She needs to run. RUN!

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