The First Generation

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The First Generation are what we call the Keepers of the first civilisations.

They were and are the oldest Keepers to exist, at least the ones that are still alive are. What differentiates them from newer (to them) Keepers are their characteristics and abilities. Like the Keepers who had the wings of the continents these unique features were cut off and burned when they were colonised for them to blend in with humans. However unlike those who had the wings of the continents they grew and came back.

The First Generations tend to use authorised magic to hide their unique characteristics from the other Keepers.


The First Generation are (in alphabetical order for their domain today) :

Keeper of the Aboriginals                                                                                                                                                           


Snake Tail that has rainbow coloured scales with each colour in different sections of the tail,

Tough thick skin,

Forked tongue

Ability to slightly affect the weather wherever he is.    

Eygpt (Amr)           


Can take on the head of a ram, crocodile, hippo and cat,

His pupils are in the shape of Ankhs (The Egyptian hieroglyph for life) however when injured turns into the hieroglyph known as A7 which symbolises weakness or to be tired. A major disadvantage.

Is able to use ancient Egyptian magic although he specialises in combat magic and necromancy,

Is able to summon ancient Egyptian demons and bend their will to his.



Ability to manipulate thunder and lightning,

Ability to slightly manipulate the area around him in many ways,

Is able to see parts of the future in 'prophecies' and can choose which oracle style it can be presented in if he chooses to seek one of them. All are still very vague.

Tends to grow many different types of flora on him. All having significance in his mythology such as cyclamen hederifolium, perennial sunflowers, hyacinth and the branches of laurel trees and olive trees. He often cuts or 'prunes' them.



She has the feet of a falcon's and hides it under her clothes,

She has a scorpion tail,

Was the Keeper to discover our magic and its essence essentially flows in her and so is very easy for her to use magic in many ways,

Can manipulate metal.



He has bull horns,

he also has a lion's tail and feet (also hides under clothes unless he  is wearing pants so he will hide it with magic)

Is the best Keeper to go to if you need help with rituals or incantations,

Specialises his magic in liminal and defensive magic. With the liminal branch of magic being considered extinct if it weren't for him.


No one knows why the First Generation are so different from other Keepers, there are many theories though with the best being that as humans advanced and began to grow their population, the Keepers began to resemble humans more closely as seen with those who came after the First Generation.

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