14 || A New Wound

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Just the thought of you it honestly stings, all the memories, you're the only reason I don't feel like me

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Just the thought of you it honestly stings, all the memories, you're the only reason I don't feel like me.

-Jessica Baio


My first day has been going great so far. I had gym after math and guess who was in my class?!

Yeah you guessed it, 


And so was Marigold luckily, she introduced me to her friend Rose as well who was in our gym class and she seemed nice enough.

It was kind of a pain in gym though, I just sat on the sidelines doing my math homework since I couldn't really do much else.

"Want to eat lunch with us?" Rose asked me as she separated her blonde curls, once we exited the gym.

"Yeah sure that sounds good." I grinned.

We eventually found our way to the lunch hall and got a free table. The cafeteria was crowded with people and I couldn't really tell people apart either; they all looked the same thanks to these uniforms.

"So where did you used to live, Amelie?" Rose asked me, getting out her peanut butter and jam sandwich.

"San Diego." I replied fiddling with my rings. It was strange not to call it home anymore. Every time I thought about my old life I'd begin to tear up. But I had a new life now and I needed to be grateful.

"Hi Amelie!" I lifted my head and smiled once I saw Brynn walking past. She saved me from awkwardness. I would have to thank her later for that.

"Hey Brynn!" I smiled, trying to cheer up and match her enthusiasm. 

"How's your first day going?" Brynn asked, stopping at my table.

"Good thanks! except for the part where Noah piggybacked me into math, that was a little embarrassing" I laughed. It's crazy how seeing Brynn's smile automatically lifted my mood and made me smile. I really needed to speak to her more often.

Brynn laughed, "alright, well enjoy the rest of your day, I have to go." and she walked towards her table of friends.

"Who's that?" Marigold asked after Brynn was out of ear shot.

"That's Ben's girlfriend, I thought you would know that since you know everyone." I rolled my eyes. Rose laughed.

"OOOOO, I knew I recognized her!" Marigold stated.

"Sureee" Rose mumbled. I don't know who I believe to be honest.

"Hey! I totally knew, it just took me a while!" Marigold said, pulling out her phone to most likely do an insta stalk.

"Yeah you knew after Amelie told you," Rose pointed out.

It was crazy to me how Marigold seemed so shy before and now she was so comfortable talking around me. I wonder if that's how my step brothers felt with me.

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