* A/N

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heyy! the next chapter is coming soon.

I just wanted to let you guys know that im going to post a newer version of chapter 7 today because a description of Amelies room is added:) If you don't want to read it thats fine tho the rest of the chapter is the same it just has the added description. 

and I realize that half the time I write in past tense and sometimes I don't. I'm to tired to fix it sorry ahahahah 

I wish I could just naturally write in present tense but I can't, and with school and stuff it takes too long for me to edit the chapters and stuff. and then i'll have less time to write more chapters. 

if I get more time I will edit it but honestly its easier for me to write "was" instead of "I am"  so apologies if its a jumble of both, it will be and might not make much sense oh well!

idk why, anyways soz for the random a/n 

hope ur having an amazing day<3

currently listening to forever winter and its making me cry 


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