7|| Dinner

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lets just pretend we didn't disappear for a few weeks!! xoxo

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lets just pretend we didn't disappear for a few weeks!! xoxo

As soon as I stepped into my room my jaw was on the floor. 

(Amelie's room, aesthetic)

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(Amelie's room, aesthetic)

It was at least three times as big as my room back home. I still called the apartment home even though I guess this was my new home. 

My queen bed that Mum got me after grandma died sits in the corner under a massive French looking window across the room. Behind the bed are a wall of mirrors that reflect the outside making the space seem ten times bigger than it actually is. Across from my bed are two separate double doors. I walk across the room and open the one on the left. It's a massive luxurious bathroom.

"Damn, I'll be using you soon." I say closing the door behind me.

I go next door to see what's behind it. It's a closet. Sorry let me rephrase that, it's the same size as my old room and it has enough room in here to hold all of Taylor Swift's clothes! 

When I walk back out I notice that there are my two cardboard boxes sitting side by side in the middle of the room. I reach into one and pull out my favourite stuffed bear. I walk over to my bed and sit down. I look out the window and watch the bird flying past into the trees that surround the house.


I wanted to take a shower and get changed before dinner so I could feel clean and lucky for me my bedroom had a bathroom.

I stepped into the bathroom. It was beautiful. It had a nice big shower with marble walls. And it had a white bathtub that was probably the biggest bathtub I'd ever seen. The bathroom was so simple yet striking. All the small plants that lined the shelves were gorgeous and made the place feel even more homey, I could hardly wrap my head around it all.

I carefully peeled off my clothes and turned on the water. There was something so satisfying about watching the droplets of water spiral down the drain. I would always pretend that the water was my thoughts, and that they were slowly getting washed away so I wouldn't have to bear them anymore. That was an easier and much more effective way to think of it. I stepped into the water and shivered slightly at the cool temperature. It then turned warmer and I let it soak me from head to toe. I then washed my hair and continued to let the water clean me, making sure it got every inch of me.

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