Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Hello?" Jungkook said groggily into his phone, his eyes shut against the moonlight filtering into his room through the parted curtains

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"Hello?" Jungkook said groggily into his phone, his eyes shut against the moonlight filtering into his room through the parted curtains.

The voice from the end of the call was inaudible. He couldn't hear the words, only mumblings.

"What?" He asked, tiredly. He just wanted to get the call over with and go back to sleep. He had no idea why Bambam was calling him at 11pm. He needed to sleep good that night. "I can't hear you."

"He's in the house," Bambam said, this time audibly but in whispers.

"What?" Jungkook asked. He was still very disoriented from sleep. "Who?"

"My... father," he said. His voice cracked with panic. "He's in the house."

This time around the words got into his head and his brain processed it for what it meant: Bambam’s father had found them. Jungkook shot up from the bed, flinging the blanket away and climbing out.

"Your dad's in the house?! How?!" He asked, flickering his light on. He headed into his walk in closet and grabbed the first jeans and shirt he could find, along with a pair of sneakers.

"I don't know, but I think he's been communicating with my mum and somehow he convinced her to share our location."

What the fuck is wrong with that woman?! Wasn't she tired of being used as a fucking punching bag?! He suppressed a groan of frustration as he changed out of his pajamas and into the clothes he'd just grabbed.

"Where exactly are you right now?" Jungkook asked.

"In the secret room," Bambam said. "The one you showed to me that day. I'm with Rose, but I couldn't grab Lily on time. She's up there with them. He's been yelling and smashing things. I don't want him to hurt her. You have to help us."

"Where is Seungmin?" He asked. He'd left a security guard with them to protect them against exactly this.

"I have no idea. I don't know. Please, do something. I can't call the police because I'm scared he'll hurt them if he hears the siren."

"Don't worry. Just stay there and don't try to come out or open the door for anyone," Jungkook said.

"Are you coming?"


Jungkook hurried out of his room, making his way down the steps and to the backdoor in the Kitchen. He inputted the security passcode and made his way out the backdoor. He spotted a few of the security guards here and there but he managed to sneak around without drawing any attention to himself. Not like it mattered much if they saw him or not.

His parents were out of town, so he had nothing to worry about with anyone stopping him from going out. He just didn't want to make any ruckus that would warrant anyone calling his parents to update them on anything.

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