Chapter Thirty-Five

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"There's something different about Jin," Hoseok stated

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"There's something different about Jin," Hoseok stated.

Namjoon dropped a shot glass into the soap water filled sink with the rest of his dirty equipments from the previous night's job. "Different?" He asked, grabbing a sponge and getting to work.

It was barely 7am. The club had closed a few hours ago, the place completely emptied out, but Namjoon still let a song play on the stereo. Although, he had reduced it to almost the lowest level, and he wasn't in the mood for the thumping sound of HipHop so early in the day, so he let Jon Bellion play through.

"Yeah," Hoseok said. He grabbed each glass or shaker that Namjoon had washed to dry it with a clean towel and then place on the counter.

"Good different or what?"

"He's definitely smiling more. He has a bounce in his steps. He's always on his phone when he comes over and stays up late on the balcony talking to someone."

"So, he's happy," he stated. "Pass me that tray next to you, would you?"

Hoseok reached for a tray that had been placed against the tiled wall on the other side of the bar shelf, and handed it to Namjoon. "Yeah. He does look happy. But his behavior points to something and I'm not sure that I like it."

"Points to, what?"

"He's seeing someone."

Namjoon let out a yawn, bringing the back of his hand to cover his mouth. "And he's not allowed to?"

"It's not that. It's that he used to have casual relationships and meaningless sex, and I don't know if that's what this. What if it's a casual pounce and bounce?" He asked, causing Namjoon to chuckle. "I'm serious."

Shrugging, Namjoon said. "What if it's not a causal pounce and bounce? What if he wants to... keep pouncing on this person?"

Hoseok groaned uneasily.

"Relax." Namjoon laughed. "You're reading way too much into this like you always do."

"It comes with the job."

"Well, Jin isn't your case or one of your offenders, alright? He's a good kid with a good heart who, like you said, might be dating someone and seems very happy about it. Just last week, he had a breakthrough since his brother's death and actually let us wish him a happy birthday as opposed to last year which you said he didn't want to even hear the word 'birthday'."

Hoseok let out a sigh. He dumped the towel against the counter and turned around to lean against it, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It actually looks like things are going well for him. Rather than overanalyze this, just be happy for him."

"But how are we sure that this person is good for him?"

"First, we could never be sure. Secondly, you need to give Jin the benefit of the doubt and trust that he's mature and smart enough to make the right choice. Thirdly, Jin has been on his best behavior, going to school like normal, not getting into fights, studying when he's meant to, which means this person isn't trying to divert his focus from what is important which concludes that this person isn't a bad influence on him, so you have nothing to worry about."

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