What is the punishment room?

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Jamie's Pov-

Maya pulls me up the steps and into a room. There are two beds in the room and one side is full of boy things. She sits on the bed on the side of the room that is empty. "This is your side of the room you'll be sharing with Charlie" she leans back on the bed leaning onto her elbows. I place my bag down and sit next to her. "Are you okay?" I feel concerned with the fact that she smells like she hasn't showered in a while and her hair is a mess and she looks tired. "Yea I'm okay I just got out of the punishment room" she tells me. "What is the punishment room?" Genuinely I want to know. "Let's get ourselves introuble and you will find out" she smiles at me. I let out a sigh and she just keeps her smile plastered onto her face. "Let's eat dinner tonight and when we finish don't wash your dish and then you'll be put in there" she grabs my arm and I push her hand away. "I'll think about it" I get up as well as her "I'm going to go shower" she says before leaving the room. I pull out my phone and text Michaela Jamie: This house is wacko Charlie then enters the room. "Don't let Sheila see you have a phone. She'll take it, confiscate it, and find any reason to take away your phone" he sits down on his own bed. "Also Maya is trying to get in your pants" he lays down. "Why would you think that?" My stomach rumbles. "Because of the way she smiles at you. She smiled at me like that when I first got here but she didn't do that when billy came or Kia or Alex. When she smiles at you then she wants to fuck you" I get up breaking the awkwardness of this conversation and make my way downstairs. I enter the kitchen and Sheila is putting food on plates and is putting them on the table as she makes each plate. "Can I sit down and eat?" I ask but she glares at me. "It's may I, use your manners" I nod. "I'm sorry, may I please sit down and eat?" She then also nods. "Yes you may" I sit down and then start eating when she then shouts "dinners ready" and everyone comes down to eat. We all sit and eat and once I'm finished I get up and go to the sink. I begin wash my dishes and then Maya places her plate in the sink and just begins to walk out. Shelia glares at her. "Wash your dishes" she tells Maya to which Maya turns around and flicks off Sheila. She then proceeds to get up and grab Maya by the hair and pulls her out of the kitchen. There's screaming but I can't make out what is said and then a door is slammed. Sheila comes back to the kitchen and sits back down. "Plate goes in cupboard above your head and your fork goes in the drawer next to you" I reply with a "yes ma'am"  and I put away my dishes. Then I head upstairs.

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