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3 days later
Michaelas pov-

The room is cold. I've been waiting for an hour which is outrageous just for a DNA test. Finally she comes into the room. "Hi there" the doctor smiles sweetly. I watch as she washes her hands and then grabs a baggy. She tears open the baggy and pulls out a long Q-Tip. "This right here is a swab, I'm going to swab it in your mouth. Not sticking it down your throat or anything I'm simply just collecting the saliva from your mouth" she explains. "Open" I open my mouth and she quickly swabs my mouth. She places my swab into a tube And leaves the room. A couple of minutes later she comes back to the room. "You're all good to go!" She smiles at me and then we both get up and leave the room. We get in the car and I check my phone. No text from Jamie. I haven't spoken to him since we sat down with Bill. I know Bill is my father but I don't think I could ever call him dad. Well honestly we're not all for sure. But until we get an answer, I'm stuck with my grandma. I will never forget the day they took me away from the family I was just getting used to.


6 weeks later
(Michaela has been living with her grandma the entire time)
We drive to the court and get out of the car. When we get inside the court room is already filled. There's people I don't know and some people I do. I see Bill sitting at the front of the room. I make my way to the front as well except Milly keeps a grip on my shoulder. We get to the front and someone motions for me to sit in a desk beside the judge. I sit beside her and watch as she reads something that is on her own desk. She looks mean. We get started. "Alright Mr. Lemwitz" (Bill) "Katie is the mother of this child correct?" "Yes ma'am" Bill talks with a sense of fear.
Judge: "How long had you two been together before her death?"
Bill: "we had been talking for about 3 months"
Judge: "and you two had a past?"
Bill: "yes ma'am"
Judge: "and how old were you when Katie had gotten pregnant?"
Bill: "I believe 15 or 16"
Judge: "do you have any other kids?"
Bill: "yes ma'am I have two"
Judge: "do they have they same mother?"
Bill: "only one of them"
Judge: "alright Mrs Flynn. You were Katie's mother?"
Milly: "yes I was"
Judge: "did you know there was any baby in the picture?"
Milly: "yes ma'am i was there for her the whole time"
Judge: "and she never mentioned anything about who the father was?"
Milly: "I had definitely brought it up to her but no she never would mention a name"
Judge: "what would she say when you asked about who her the father was?
Milly: "there was nothing really specific she would say. She would just change the subject"
Judge: and as a mother you didn't think to try hard for an answer?"
Milly: "no I mostly tried to respect her I believe a good mother should respect their child and if they don't want to talk about something then any mother should respect that"
Judge: "were you aware of their other child?"
Milly: "yes I was very aware"
Judge: "and I'm just checking Mr Lemwitz, you weren't in Michaelas life growing up?"
Bill: "I was not"
Judge: "whats your other kids name that you two share?"
Bill: "her name is Emma"
Judge: "alright and was she in your daughters life?"
Milly: "no she was not Michaela chose for her not to be"
Bill: "oh my god you're a fucking liar!"
Judge: "Mr Lemwitz! I did not speak to you do not talk unless I have spoken to you. Mr. Lemwitz did Katie express to you that she didn't want the baby?"
Bill: "no she did not in fact she told me her mother was going to force her to abort her baby"
Milly: "I did no such thing!"
Judge: "hey!"
Bill: "do not lie!"
Judge: "both of you stop!"
Milly: "you're the one who left her when she was pregnant with Michaela!"
Bill: "At least I admit to it!"
Judge: she slams her gavel down "neither of you are allowed to talk unless spoken too! Mr. Lemwitz are you positive that Michaela is your?"
Bill: yes I'm very positive
Judge: "Mrs. Flynn, why might you believe that Michaela is not Bills?"
Milly: "I have never heard anything about it and they used to hang out all the time. If she told me about Emma being his, why would she not of said something about Michaela too? It just simply doesn't make sense. They did date once for a couple of weeks a year after Michaela was born and to be honest there was no sign that she would've been his baby at all!"
Judge: "alright, we are here today to determine whether Michaela is Bills child or not. Bring in the results!"

Someone brings in an envelope

Judge: "right here I have the results but before we get our answer, this is what will happen. If Michaela is not Bills, Mrs Flynn will take full custody over Michaela. If Michaela is Bills, Mr. Lemwitz will then take custody over Michaela. Understood Mr Lemwitz?"
Bill: "yes ma'am"
Judge: "understood Mrs. Flynn?"
Milly: "yes ma'am"
Judge: "alright" she then pulls out the paper and reads it. She looks up at the two of them. "Mr Lemwitz... you are her father. Case dismissed"


My grandma looks like she could shit herself. Bill then comes over to me and hugs me. I hug back and he kisses me on the head. A part of me hoped he wasn't my father. I hate that I kisses Jamie or even had any thoughts of liking him. "Let's go home" bill speaks. I nod and we both leave.

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