Court part 2

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Michaelas pov-
2 months later

I sit down in my seat in the back of the court room, and in the front sits my grandma and father. It's cold in the court room and everyone seems nervous.

Judge: alright Mrs. Flynn, to start of court today I want to start by asking what has caused your suspicion on Bill that may make you believe his two children Emma Jamie are not his kids
Milly: there is nothing really I can tell you that gives me the suspicion of it except for the fact that I don't trust him. Both kids have grown up motherless and yet to know their mothers. Each kid has a different mother as I've heard and it all sounds very strange.
Judge: *sighs* Mr Lemwitz is it true that your kids have no idea who their mothers are?
Bill: yes ma'am
Judge: do you know who their mothers are?
Bill: yes ma'am
Judge: I would like you to recall both child's mother's names.
Bill: Katie Buckley is the mother of Emma Lemwitz and Sadie Cunning-Ham is the mother of Jamie Lemwitz. In which both are diseased.
Judge: what amount your third kid Michaela Lemwitz?
Bill: Her mother is also Katie Buckley
Judge: so both Michaela and Emma have the same mother?
Bill: yes ma'am
Judge: why might you say Jamie's mother is not in the picture?
Bill: When she had Jamie she didn't want to raise him so instead she brought him to my house and gave him to my mother then drove away. She didn't want him so instead I raised him.
Judge: I think we have enough information bring out the results

Someone brings her the envelope and she opens it.

Judge: Emma is your daughter

She pulls out the next paper

Judge: Jamie is not your son I'm sorry Mr Lemwitz I'm not sure what your situation is but since you're not his father, there will be tests done in order to find his father but until then he will go into foster care unless any other relative is found and is willing to take him in

My stomach then turns and Im not sure how to feel. We get up to leave the room and as Jamie Emma my dad and I go to leave, a women stops us. "I'm sorry but Jamie Lemwitz needs to come with me so we can get him into the foster care system" I look at Jamie and he's already looking at me all sad. When our eyes break he is walking away with the women and Emma begins to cry into our father's arms.

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