chapter 40

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Siddharth's pov

As soon as I finished talking to shivani..... I asked my secretary if there were any more patients. After the green signal I immediately left for the mall....I feel excited like a kid to go meet my shivani..... soon I reached but shivani was still on the way.... so I decided to get coffee ..... just as I was about to reach Starbucks I saw a Sabyasachi store.....
I immediately went in and met an assistant who could assist me.... I decided that we both could wear Sabyasachi..... I know shivani is very brand conscious. .... so I called shivani and told her to come to the shop.
While I was busy seeing couple matched wedding cothes shivani came in.....

"Hey sweety!" I greeted and hugged her

"Hi jaan" she said god!... love to hear that.....

"What is all this?" She asked

"I was just looking at a few couple matching wedding clothes for our wedding"

"But we still have time for that Siddharth"

"I know sweety but I thought we could customize it....just the way you like it...."

She took to the side and said...
"But that will be damn expensive Siddharth" she said whispering

"Jaan.... its nothing for me and you know that...besides we get married ones and faal in the love ones its our day and our lives so don't think about money ....ever!"

Then we went in met the assistant again and started seeing the clothes....shivani looked like a child in a candy store..... god!... how can anyone be soo perfect? ... more than that how can I be soo lucky to have her as mine only mine.

Soon I got a little busy with a mail I received and since my princess was doing shopping both for me and herself....I took a nice spot and sat.....
Then after sometime a guy came in and greeted shivani.... she seemed very happy..... I got up and went up to her.... I looked at the guy and tried remembering him as it felt as though I had seen him before.....

"Siddharth meet best friend" told shivani... I remember shivani talks a lot about him

"Oh hello arjun...." I greeted and extended my hand for a hand shake....

"Hello Siddharth" he said shaking my hand

" that you both have met eachother and heard about eachother a lot from the same source. ...that's go to Starbucks order a drink and talk to eachother ...I'll join you both In a bit....I wanna try out a few clothes and I don't want Siddharth to see me in my wedding dress just yet.... and arjun its your duty to keep him away from me ok?"

We both laughed at her kiddish scolding.

"Hahaha yes ma'am. ...anything for you" said arjun

I knew it Sabyasachi would have been good idea for shivani. ...soo cute....

Soon arjun and me left for star bucks. ...

We ordered our drinks and I decided to order for shivani too as I know she would get hungry soon....
Just as I was about to order for her....arjun and me both together ordered the same thing in unity as though we both had practiced....the waiter looked at us and smiled. ....
Soon arjun and me got our orders and took a nice spot....

"So arjun....I have heard a lot about you from shivani. ..."

"Haha...good things I hope...?"

"Haha yes..... so you seem to know her very well....I could see that back there while we were ordering"

"Oh...yes I do....that's why I am her best friend"

"So did you all meet?" I asked

Then we both started talking and from the way arjun was talking it was pretty evident that he had feelings for shivani more than a friend....and I did not like that....

"Siddharth after hearing everything about us I know you would be thinking that I like her more than a friend. ..." arjun said

I was kinda irritated by now....

"Yes...." I said

"Well....what you are thinking is not wrong...."

I looked at him and wanted to punch his face....

"Siddharth ..... in ever relationship there is never equal contribution .... always one will give more and other less. ...well in this relationship there was only me....shivani always looked at me as a friend.....just a good friend....I guess some relationships as meant to be only till friendship. ...and this is one....yes I am possessive about her .... but you have more rights over her than I do.....but that does not mean you hurt her and I'll stand it..... this relationship that I have with her is priceless Siddharth.... I love her that's why I want her to be happy and her happiness lies with both are meant to be together. ....before you both got together she used to express all her feelings about you to me....I have seen her feelings grow for you in front of me..... but i didnt realize that so did mine for her...Siddharth the only reason I came today was to tell you.....that you hurt her and I'll hunt you down anywhere in the world and kick your ass.....I mean it....she not only has her parents support but even mine..... in ever situation always remember I am with her come what may....." declared arjun

I looked at him....I a part of me relaxed and more than that respected him....

"I am glad she has one more person who will always look out for her.....shivani was right arjun.... you have a big heart....and I promise you I will never hurt her......"

"Haha you better not..." said arjun

"Ofcourse....I have a really cute ass.....and I don't want you kicking it....." I said trying to lighten the heavy duty conversation we just had....

"But arjun I much say.... you are a very strong person....I don't know if I could make such a nig sacrifice "

"I am sure you would Siddharth....because one does anything for a person they love...." said arjun

Just then shivani came in looking very happy....

"So I guess you have found a dress....." I said

"Yes yes I have....but its for wedding Siddharth I need a dress for our engagement. ....but first I need to eat I am damn hungry...." said shivani

Arjun and me looked at eachother and smiled.

Hey my beautiful readers
How is the chapter?
They have met and look kinda happy....dont you think?

pls COMMENT! !


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