chapter 22

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Shivani's pov

Its been nearly 10 days since I spoke to my aunt..... I will be leaving for UK tomorrow. ....I arjun is hardly talking to me ...if we talk he answers in one word....we haven't gone for coffee since that day....what is wrong with him??.... I feel like shaking him and asking him the reason for this behaviour of his.....
Now I am in Dr rajkumar's cabin for last minute discussion for my conference. ....just when we started talking devil walked in.....
"Oh hello are you beta?"
"I am fine sir....actually I got an emergency work in my UK hospital. I wanted to get your permission. ..."
"Oh...umm....ok beta....its good you going shivani can get company. .."
" she is going tomorrow as well?"
They are talking as if am not even in the room.....
"Yes.....I am....going to visit my aunt for 2 days before the conference. ...any problem sir? "
" no relax.....sure you not following me right?"
"Haha (sarcastic laugh) you wish sir"

"Hahaha what time is your flight? "
"Its at 1230 in the night"
"Oh.... great. ...I can drop you flight is also then...."
"Uhhh?? sir thank you...I can manage...."
"Arre its not safe for a beautiful girl like you to travel alone (wink)"
"Hahaha relax shivani....ill pick you up at 8 .....thank you sir"
Then he left....didn't even wait for my reply. ....
After he left I spoke with Dr rajkumar and went to my cabin....I checked if there were any patients. ...since there were no patients I decided to take my rounds and leave....
I finished my rounds and got ready to leave. ....just as I was in the entrance of the hospital I saw a jaguar car waiting.!
I was waiting for my taxi when that jaguar car came in front of me and the windows rolled down and I saw the devil
"Shivani come I'll drop you home..."
" sir thank you I can manage"
"Is it habit now to always refuse me?"
"Relax....come might start raining soon"
I was about tp say no again when it started drizzling and thundering. ...

I got in and we drove.....we spoke a bit...he smeed nice....
by the time I reached home it was raining profusely. ....
"Thank you sir....good night"
"No problem run home..."
I opened the door and ran to my house door.....I rang the bell....again and again.... no one opened. ....whaylt is wrong with them they could have atleast messeged me....till now I was dripping wet....I had no where to go....just when I decided to go back to hospital I saw Siddharth had not yet left.....just as I saw phone rang....
"Shivani one home?"
" sir"
"Ohh....come back to the car....we can go for hot tea with pakoras"
"Umm...that did sound tempting. ..I dont wanna bother you..."
"Oh please shivani.... "
"See you caught a cold too....come back here"
"Umm...ok sir..."
I ran back and sat....
"Here take my'll feel better"
"thank you sir"
After that we went to a near road side stall and had hot tea and pakoras....we talked a lot and I kept laughing. ....he has a great sense of humor. ...

Soon the rain stopped and I didnt even realize that it was late at night....
"Sir I should leave now.....its late..."
"Arre...relax I'll drop you..."
"Sir have really troubled you today...."
"Haha no shivani rather I enjoyed your company...."
"Thank you sir"
After that we lefy for place. ...
I knew everyone was home as lights were on now....
"Thank you sir....why dont you come in?"
"No no shivani thank you....I have to do a lot of work for tomorrow. .."
"Anyways am sure we will spend more time together in UK...."
I smiled "good night sir"

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