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"What're you doing Thursday night?" Logan asks as he pulls up in front of my house.

I'm looking out at the house. I don't see any of my roommates.

I turn back to Logan, "Uhm I have a three hour nationals practice."

"How late will you be there?"

"Why do you care?" I cross my arms over my chest. 

He shrugs.

We're just staring at each other.

"Do you wanna grab dinner some time?" Logan breaks the silence.

I blink a couple times, "Huh?"

"Jesus, Kenzie!" He groans as his head drops back on the head rest and he slides down the chair a bit.

"What?" I question, sounding more defensive then I mean to.

"Every time I think we've taken a step forward you put your walls back up." Logan turns to look at me again. "I like you. A lot. But if this is too much for you let's just cut ties."

No! I don't wanna cut ties. Fuck I am a mess. I like hanging out with Logan, it's comfortable and easy.

I relax my arms, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to. It's just a reflex."

I need to just forget everything in our past. I need to erase my memory because I just keep remembering how he betrayed me. But I do want to go to dinner with him. Hell I barely wanna get out of this car right now.

My eyes meet his, "How about Friday?"

"Really?" He sounds so shocked.

"Okay now don't you start!"

"Sorry," he chuckles, "I'll pick you up at eight."

I smile at him, "Nothing fancy!"

"We'll see," he shrugs.


Logan's gaze focus on his rearview mirror better he asks "Who just pulled up?"

I turn to look over my shoulder out the back window.

It's Sam and that curly haired girl she hugged at the party last night. I watch Sam squint at our car like she can't tell who's inside.

"It's Sam, she's one of my roommates," I tell him as I accept that Sam and I both have some explaining to do once we get inside.

"Text me about Friday," I look back at Logan.

"You're not gonna bail?" He asks.

"We'll see," I shrug teasingly as I pull open the car door.


"Kidding," I quickly lean over and kiss his cheek, "I promise."

And then I step out of the car, I shut the door and just walk up to the front door. I watch Logan drive off but then I wait on the porch for Sam.

It takes a few minutes but she finally comes walking up.

"So who's the girl?" I question her as she's digging in her purse for her keys walking up the stairs.

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