Chapter 11| Media Releases

Start from the beginning

"Where are you lost?" He said, snapping me out of my daze. I reminded myself not to get carried away.

"I can't sign them. As mentioned yesterday, I didn't marry you for your wealth. Espoir is your hard work, I don't have any right to take them." I explained, for the last part he gave me an indifferent look.

"Even, I have no interest in giving you these shares. If you don't want any money then don't take them. Just sign them as a formality, so the world doesn't see me as a husband who neglects his wife's finances." He remarked, devoid of any expression.


I was about to argue, but he pushed the file toward me. Realizing it was futile, I started signing without fully reviewing the pages.

"You should have read them before signing; What if they were about something else?" He sarcastically remarked.

"I would have read them if you hadn't rushed me. And there is not much, that you can take from me" I retorted

"Let's go" he ordered

"Wait, let me read them"

"You should have done that before signing, it's pointless now" he stated, walking away. I hurried to catch up, surpassing the urge to ask about yesterday's event.

"Why didn't you mention the lift?" I inquired, walking quickly.


I bumped into a table while following him, but he stabilized me by holding my arm.

"Why don't you watch, where you are going? This is the tenth time you've bumped into something today." He remarked, saving me once again.

"I wouldn't have if you weren't rushing" I argued

"Now, you're blaming me for your clumsiness," he retorted, looking baffled by my statement

"If you'd answer my questions this wouldn't have happened" I point out as a matter of fact.

"What? I don't understand your logic."

"Everything could be resolved if you'd just tell me about yesterday. So spill." I demanded, knowing he wouldn't evade the question for long.

"There was---

"Bhai, Did you release the news about Bhabhi?" Ayush interrupted, running into the hallway. Ekaansh checked his phone after his statement, his expression turning furious, and then he gave me an apologetic glance before striding off.

"Bhabhi, Where's your phone?" He asked, after Ekaansh's departure.

"I think it's in my room."

"Your Mom has called on Dadi's
phone. She wanted to talk to you after seeing the news," he informed, and we headed to the hall, where everyone was gathered, watching the news.

The headlines flashed: Rudra Roy's daughter marries Ekaansh Singh Rathore. They appear deeply in love, and Rathore's witnesses their first love marriage.

An accompanying image showed us which was clicked when he helped me during the fall, appearing almost romantic. I snorted at the headlines; if only they knew the truth. This was one of the reasons, I despised media for my hatred toward media- they know how to create trouble, even revealing details about my work, cases, and education.

I heard my mom's voice and immediately knew she was still on call. As soon as saw me on the video call, she launched into a scolding.

"Why don't you just throw your phone away, if you're not going to answer" she scolded, with Dad, and Ishu trying to peek over her shoulder.

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