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Jungkook had more regrets in two months than he had had in his whole life so far. He found himself walking next to a classmate of his, Mingyu, in the park late at night. Mingyu had been a good friend of his and, though he did not say he was gay, Jungkook had a feeling.

It's odd that he had a feeling one of his friends was gay, but he couldn't tell if he's gay himself. Then again, he would rather not be. For his peace of mind, if that makes sense. He's got nothing against Mingyu, whether he's gay or not.

Putting his grandmother's theory to the test was another regret of his, currently.

"Hey, Mingyu," Jungkook said, hands in his pockets. "Have you ever been with a guy?"

The boy, taller and significantly more muscular, was walking beside him in a nonchalant way, with the hood of his sweater on his head. He didn't seem to be too shocked about the question. "No. Though I've had sex with some."

Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes. He did expect him to be gay, but him being actively gay exceeded that expectation by a few lines. "You're gay?"


"And everyone knows?"


To his own shame, Jungkook had not known. "Oh," he muttered, looking at his feet.

Mingyu turned and stopped in front of him. "Is that why you called me to hang out?"

Jungkook got off the path and leaned on a tree, biting his lower lip. He avoided the other boy's eyes, but he couldn't avoid the situation. "Yes— well, no. I mean, I have some questions and stuff..."

Mingyu raised one eyebrow at him and Jungkook had to admit he did look attractive, for a guy. "What kind of questions?"

"Well, you know... How it feels, or I don't know."

The boy barked a laugh. "You make it sound like rocket science. It's literally the same as being with a girl. Same feelings. Only difference is the intimate parts. And yes," Mingyu said before Jungkook could ask about it. "They are attractive to me."

Dicks were attractive. Alright. Could Jungkook vouch for that? He pictured his own, for a start. Pretty good. Would he put his mouth on it? Not really. But—

"Don't think about your own!" Mingyu warned. "Dude, come on. You're gross."

Fine. Someone else's. Taehyung's. Fuck, nevermind. Jungkook's face was suddenly on fire. "Man, it's not like I look at other guys' dicks. What do you think I am?"

"Gay, since you're thinking so hard," Mingyu shrugged.

Jungkook shook his head, the image from earlier still clear. "I'm not thinking about dicks. I don't care about that shit. I wanted to ask how you knew you were gay."

Mingyu considered the question for a bit before answering. "I guess you just know. Put a girl and a boy next to each other. Who would you rather fuck?"

Was that a trick question to just laugh at the fact that Jungkook had never fucked anyone personally or...? Still, he complied and thought about a girl and a guy next to each other; they were both equally attractive, for accuracy. The guy looked an awful lot like his best friend, and the girl looked like one of the popular girls he had seen in school.

"What if I'd go for both?" Jungkook asked, a bit lightheaded. "Separately, I mean," he felt the need to clarify.

"That's called bisexuality," Mingyu's voice was amused. "You're bisexual. Congrats!"

"No, I—" Was he? Wait. "That's it? What about feelings—"

Mingyu chuckled. "Wow, you're serious. You have feelings for a guy?" At the boy's conflicted silence he continued. "Well, not like it's my business as long as they're not for me. If you like a guy, then you like a guy. If it's still possible for you to like a girl, then you can like both. That's what being bisexual is like."

"...Was your first time a guy?"


"And have you tried with a girl?"


"Then how do you know—"

"Jungkook, you never fucked anyone. How do you know you'd like to fuck both a girl and a guy?"

Jungkook's mouth opened then snapped shut. "I have thought about it, though." Recently, he had thought about it too many times for it to be healthy.

"And you want to experience it?"

On one hand, yes. On the other hand, it would have sounded insane to just straight up admit it. "I just thought about it, okay? I'm not some freak jumping at any opportunity I get," he said instead. "But..."

Mingyu took a step closer. "You could've just said yes, you moron."

"Oh shut up," Jungkook pulled him close until their lips met. It was gentle at first then gradually got messier.

Mingyu's body was covering Jungkook's frame and his hands were searching all the right places. Jungkook let himself explore as much as he could, running his hands through the taller's hair, then down his broad shoulders.

Half-opening his eyes, Jungkook drew the conclusion that Mingyu was definitely too much of a gym rat for his taste. He was attractive, no doubt about it. Very skilled too, he thought while in a daze as Mingyu parted his lips to shove his tongue inside.

Despite all the good qualities, Jungkook found himself comparing everything to the way Taehyung did it, which was stupid. Unless he was drunk, Taehyung wouldn't even try any of this.

While Mingyu's hands roamed over his body in all the right places, Taehyung's were clumsily trying to grab everything. Frankly, Taehyung's way covered all the right places for Jungkook.

Mingyu's mouth was showering his jaw with pecks until it got to his throat, where he picked a place to suck on. Jungkook's breath was shaky.

"You're not with me," Mingyu whispered over his throat. "You're thinking about someone." He didn't pull his mouth away, though.

"I am," Jungkook admitted, pulling his head closer.

"A guy?"

"Yeah," the reply was not even a coherent word, just another stuttered breath with a low sound that he had never made before.

"Do you like him?"

"Yes, a lot."

"Would you do this with him?"

"Hell yes." Jungkook's thoughts of Taehyung doing this exact thing and more to him gave him such plea—

"Then go do it." Mingyu pulled away, wiping his mouth. He was smirking like a madman. "You got your answers."

"What?" Jungkook suddenly woke up from a trance. What?! Everything he just said... He was... This couldn't be possible. "Mingyu, I—"

"Don't worry. You kind of deserved someone to play around with you like this." Mingyu patted his shoulder, then took off into the night. "Good luck!"

Jungkook's back slid down the tree until he was sitting on the grass. What did he just do? What did he just say?!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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