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"Mom, you're going to kill me." Jungkook said in a strangled voice while being absolutely engulfed in his mother's bear hug. He often said his mother is like a more affectionate Taehyung. Not sure why that came to mind.

"We just missed you!" his mom beamed at him, finally pulling away. It felt like she was more affectionate than before. "And we prayed every second that the house is still intact."

"Wow," Jungkook acted offended. "parents have lost all trust for their kids!"

"You always have the most fun when we're not here. So who knew what you might be up to here, all alone?" his dad passed by and patted his head. "Now, I need to borrow this fine lady to unpack some stuff," he pulled the woman close by the waist and they went to their bedroom.

Jungkook loved the way they were looking at each other all the time. It was like they were looking at stars. But, as a teenager, he was also disgusted by that pure love thing.

He called his grandmother to thank her for the unexpected —though totally expected— gift, a pair of fuzzy socks, and his favorite strawberry jam.

"Make sure to share that jam with that boy of yours," his grandma said, surely not knowing there was too much room for interpretation in that last part.

Jungkook just waved it off. "Grandma, I've told you he's allergic to strawberries before!"

"My, my... what a shame. During my time, there was no such thing as allergies," the woman mused. "You just ate whatever you had. And we were thankful for it too."

"Those are old times-"

"Are you calling me old?"

Was he wrong if he did? "No, of course not—"

His grandma's rage was short-lived. She quickly changed her voice back to a honey-like one. "Oh and did your parents tell you? Soojin will visit you soon. She spent the holidays with us and your parents invited her there."

Jungkook's face fell. "Soojin?!"

Soojin was one of his countless cousins, and among the elder ones. Personally, he liked her a lot; she would always listen to him, never judge a word he said, and even try to give him advice in her own rational way, which he respected more than words could say.

The last time she had shown her face here, however, was quite untimely, awkward if you would. Taehyung had been at Jungkook's house to hang out as usual, and Soojin's eyes picked him out like a woodpecker.

They had just greeted each other and Taehyung tried to make conversation. His plans were immediately overturned by Soojin suddenly whispering something to him, which made the boy stare at her in disbelief and stutter all over the place.

It was the first time Jungkook had ever seen him like that. There was an odd tug at his chest at the thought that his friend might have liked her. Only later Taehyung had told him that he didn't want to be around her anymore with the excuse that 'she's a goddamn witch and I don't fuck with that.'

Jungkook had laughed in his face, but the older didn't as much as get close to their house until Soojin left after that.

Her visit now would basically be a win and a loss; spending time with her after almost two years, but not hanging out with Taehyung for around one week, give-or-take.

"She says she's got a boyfriend now," Jungkook's grandmother started and he already knew what to expect after that. "He's not coming with her because of work. It's such a shame. He's a handsome man, from a good family. When will you also find a pretty girl to bring over? You kids barely interact anymore nowadays..."

"Grandma, really..."

"I'm sure you've got someone and you're not telling me. I used to be like that too, hiding my relationships. Mainly because I knew they were just flings, but that's normal."

Grandmother certainly had an eventful youth... "Well, you're with grandpa now—"

"I hid him too!"

Jungkook blinked. "What?"

"I thought this asshole would be a fling too. He just showed me he has a heart too besides his dick." Jungkook's eyes were the size of onions. It wasn't unusual for his grandmother to curse, no, but he had never heard this story. "You know, you always have more options. Try them all and choose your favorite."

This woman was a menace. "Okay, um," What could Jungkook even say now? "Thank you, grandma. I'll keep that in mind. I'm gonna call Soojin and ask when she's coming, okay?"

"Tell her that the medicine for your grandfather works like a charm. His joint pain is gone."

"Sure, yeah. Bye!"

He wasn't going to call Soojin. He just wanted to be alone now to process everything. Though his grandmother might have had a good idea. 'Try them all..' He wasn't thinking of becoming a manwhore, of course. But given that he's had girlfriends before, and now he kissed a boy, maybe he needs to explore that last part a bit more.

Maybe if he only felt good kissing Taehyung and hated it with other guys, he was not gay, after all. Not that he had been thinking about it. He hadn't.

Jungkook hastly texted someone before rationality caught up to him. He woukd show his grandmother exactly why he was her grandson.

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