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Jennie's POV

It had been a month.
A whole month since I came back.

Since I told him I wanted another chance.

Since I let him know about our baby girl.

And he hadn't tried to call, text or visit.

That made me think he didn't want me anymore or our baby.

"Jennie, babe come on. We're going out to eat." Suga said, coming into the guest room that had been my room for a month now.

"I don't want to go out to eat."

He sighed and walked over to stand by the bed and looked down at me. I was propped up against the headboard, my shirt up, rubbing my belly.

"Jen, you need to get out and get some fresh air. You've not left this room for two weeks. It can't be good for the baby. . . or you" Concern dripped from his voice.

I nodded, he was right.

I needed to get out.

"Fine," I agreed. "let me take a shower real quick though."

He smiled, "Great." and after placing a kiss on my forehead he walked out.

Suga's POV

I will kill that son of a gun if I ever see him again.
He hurt her bad and if he does come back for her after waiting a whole daggum month he's in for a rude awakening.

There will be a fight, because the girl I love with all my heart is broken and hurt.

He didn't just lose one no he lost two precious people. If she'll let me I will raise that little girl as my own.

"Suga, I'm ready."
I turned around to see the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen, her long brown hair was in waves, her delicate cat like eyes had a spark of determination in them. Her fair skin had a glow to it.

"Great, let's go." After grabbing my keys I placed my hand on the small of Jennie's back and ushered her gently out of the house, once we got to the car I opened her door and helped her in before shutting the door and heading to the drivers side.

"So what is little bit in the mood for?" I asked, placing the key into the ignition and turning it over, the mustang starting with a purr.

"Well I've been craving.."

"Let me guess bbq pizza with chocolate ice cream and chocolate syrup?"

I stated, kinda yucked out. It wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't put the ice cream and syrup on top of the pizza.

"Come on Sugaaaaaa, it's sooooo good." She moaned out.

"I'll take your word on it babe."

When we got to the pizza place I ordered our food, a large half bbq pizza and supreme. Along with a Sprite and a Coke.

After seating Jennie at a booth I told her I'd be right back and left the pizza place in the huge mall to go next door to the ice cream shop were I got two scoops of chocolate ice cream covered in syrup.

After getting the dessert I went back to the pizza place and saw Jennie ready and waiting. There was a pice of pizza on her plate with a fork and spoon on the side. The moment she saw the ice cream in my hands her eyes lit up.

Two hours and four stores later and we were leaving the baby store 'Babies palace' with five bags filled with baby clothes and other necessary accessories when I just happened to glance up and see him. He was standing by the fountain in the middle of the mall with a blonde bimbo wrapped around him.

Glancing to my side where an oblivious Jennie was chattering away, a smile on her lips I felt dread wash through me. She hadn't been this happy in a while and that was going to change if I didn't do something. Quick.

"Hey Jen, how about we go the other way and stop by the candy shop so you can get some of your almond hershey kisses and-"

"Suga's I still have some, you bought me a whole bunch of almond hershey kisses and KitKats just the other day." Jennie said frowning slightly.

Think Suga think!

"So we can get more." I grabbed her arm and gently pulled her in the other direction. "Suga what's wrong? Why don't you want us to go-" She trailed off and glanced behind us and burst into tears.

"Shhh, it's okay Jen." I pulled her into my side, rubbing my free hand (the one without the bags) up and down her back soothingly trying to quieten her sobs.

Her sobs were drawing attention.

It drew his attention to us.

His eyes widened and he pushed the blonde away from him, taking steps toward us. "Jennie.." He said, "let me explain."

Jennie ignored him and looked up at me through teary eyes. "Let's go please." she begged, her shoulders shaking.

I nodded and with my arm still around her we walked past him, he tried talking to Jennie but she ignored him, keeping her face buried in my side as sobs shook her frame.

I shot him a glare. "Stay the fuck away from her. She nor does the baby need you. I will take care of them."

He shot a look at Jennie before glaring at me. "You better enjoy them while you can boy. Because they are mine and I will have them with me soon that's a promise."

I so badly wanted to teach him a lesson but Jennie... She was more important.

So against my better judgement I pulled Jennie's tighter into my side and continued forward ignoring him.

Jennie's POV

Sobs continued to wrack my body, my heart ached.

He'd moved on.

He didn't want us.

I placed my hand on my belly and whimpered. "I'm so sorry love, mama is so sorry."

I couldn't stop crying.

This was all my fault.

If I hadn't been childish eight months ago and ran away this wouldn't be happening.

He wouldn't have moved on.

We'd still be together.


"Jennie, we're home baby."

I looked up and saw we were indeed at Suga's house, he was standing in the open passenger door with a look I couldn't decipher on his face. His hands were clenched by his sides.

"Come on baby, let's get you inside." He muttered, helping me out of the car and inside the house. "Take a bubble bath and relax. I'll go get the stuff out of the car."

I nodded.

As soon as I entered my room I sunk down onto the edge of the bed and continued to cry, loudly.

My heart hurt.


I couldn't quit the tears that spilled freely down my cheeks.

Laying back on the bed I wrapped my arms around myself and continued to cry until exhaustion took over and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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