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Jennie's POV

I sighed.

“You know you really hurt me Suga. I'm still befundled to what made you act like such a jerk... I hadn't done anything wrong toward you, not that I know of...”

“I know Jennie and I am terribly sorry. You did absolutely nothing wrong.” he pulled me into his arms. “Please, I'm begging you forgive me for being such a jerk.”

“I forgive you.” he squeezed me into a tight hug. “Thank you, I promise I'll never act like a jerk toward you again.”

Hugging him back I let out a small huff. “If you do, I'm going to tell mama Min and get her to whip you.”

His chest vibrates from the chickles leaving his lips.

“Gotcha love.”

The sound of the warning bell ringing broke us apart, and after saying a quick bye we went out separate ways to class.

As soon as school ended me and Suga left to head to the clearing, we stayed there for hours just talking and skipping rocks in the pretty good sized river that ran through the clearing.

After awhile we decided to head to his house, where Mama Min was just getting out a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies...

The moment we walked into the house the smell wafted toward me. Saliva filled my mouth.

“Cookies!” I squealed out like a little child before rushing toward the kitchen. Mama Min looked up when I entered, her blonde hair was up in a ponytail, her forest green eyes looking at me, shining with laughter.

“Well hello Jen.”

She greeted me, laughing lightly under her breath.

“Mama Min.”

My gaze locked on the chocolate chip goodness “Can I...”

“Go ahead, get you some sweetie.”

Grinning big I started to reach for a cookie when my hand was slapped.

My gaze shot up.

“Hands, young lady.”

I huffed but moved to the sink and washed my hands before getting a plate and grabbing a few cookies. . . well five.

I know, I know I'm a fatty!

Especially when it comes to delicious, mouth watering, chocolatey chip goodness.

I stuffed my mouth full.

That's how Suga and Mr. Min found me.

“Hello Cat.”

Mr. Min greeted, his deep voice vibrating with a chuckle.

“Hello...” I tried mumbling with a mouth full only it came out as “Hewlo.”

Making all three Min's shake their head, laughing.

Rolling my eyes I took my cookies and marched out of the kitchen and toward Suga's room where I then plopped on his bed still stuffing my mouth. Few minutes later and he entered holding a plate with cookies on it and two glasses filled with milk.

“Here Jen, figured you'd need something to wish those down with.

He handed me the chocolate milk and kept the white for himself.

Hours later, and four episodes of Supernatural I happened to glance at my phone before remembering the battery was dead. Reaching over I grabbed Suga's phone and checked the time.

My eyes widened in horror.

“I got to go home!” I yelled out, “it's already twelve-fifty Suga!”

Suga stood. “Ok, calm down let me get some shoes on and a shirt then we'll leave.”

Three minutes later and we were in the car heading toward my house only for the car to start stuttering. “Damn.” Suga groaned. “We're going to have to go get gas Jennie before we take you home. . .”

“What? Why, is there not enough-”

My rambling was cut short by Suga placing his finger over my lips. “Jen calm down, I'm going to turn around and hope we make it to a gas station to go get gas then we will take you home, I promise. Just calm down.”

I nodded and he moved his finger away.

Finally we pulled into my driveway and I saw that the living room light was still on.
So that meant Taehyung was waiting up for me.

I sighed.

Looking at Suga I thanked him and was starting to get out when he said my name making me turn back around to look at him.

Only for him to lean over and crash his lips onto mine.

Before I could copy him or push him away the passenger door was jerked open and I was yanked out of the car by a very, very mad Taehyung.

✔My Stepdad [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now