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Jennie's POV

After dinner I walked Suga out to his car. He was silent. When we got to his car he looked at me and said, "What's going on between your stepdad and you?"

I froze, he couldn't know could he?

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked him, stuttering.
He sighed. "I'm not blind Jen, anybody can see the way you two look at each other!"

"Suga nothing's going on between him and me. He's with my mom and I'm with you. Plus he's not my type." I told him, lying through my teeth.

"Really." He said, not as a question but as a statement. Disbelief showing on his face. "Because that's not what I got from the looks you two were sharing."

"Just tell me, Jen. What's going on between you two?"

Shoot, what do I do? He can't find out what happened between me and Taehyung.

Think Jennie, think!

To get him to stop asking questions I pulled him down to me and started kissing him, after a moment he started kissing me back.

His hands moving to my waist, pulling me close to him.

I know what you're thinking.
But I'm not using him, I do care for him. Maybe I could fall in love with him. Someday.

I just had to stop being so weak and pathetic and stop everything that was going on between Taehyung and I.

After a few minutes we broke apart for air. He looked into my eyes, his forest green ones clashing with my chocolate brown ones. "I love you Jen." He murmured, "I just worry that.." He trailed off and sighed.

"Suga remember that no matter what we will always be best friends." I told him. "Right?"

"Yeah." He nodded but kept his gaze away from mine. "Suga-" I started only to be interupted by him changing the subject. "Do you need a ride to school in the morning?" He asked.

"Uh. . .yeah, sure." I mumbled frowning slightly.

"Ok babe, I'll pick you up at seven." He told me kissing my cheek and then getting in his car and leaving.

After staring after his car, a frown on my face and shoulders slumped - watching it get further and further away until completely disappearing I went into the house only to hear my mom and Taehyung arguing. "I know you're cheating on me Taehyung you haven't touched me in months!" She hollered at him. I felt bad because I knew why but that changed when I heard what he said back.

"Really Irene. Maybe the reason I don't touch you is because all the guys your fucking sleeping with." Disgust dripped from his raised tone.

"I-I'm not cheating on you." She stuttered out, not convincing at all. "Irene quit playing games, we're too fucking old for them. I'm not dumb I know the reason you're out all the time is because you're meeting up with guys. You have been for the last six months." His voice was calm. Detached.

I stood frozen, just inside the house. My mom had been cheating on Taehyung again. I knew Taehyung cheated on her with me but before that he never had. Unlike her who had sex with his best man on their wedding day.

Before I realized it, I was in the kitchen where my mom and Taehyung stood by the sink, her staring at him in tears and him just standing there looking detached.

"Mom." They both turned to look at me, Taehyung's eyes were empty when they met mine.

Taehyung just walked away, while my mom stared after him pleading for him to give her a chance to explain herself.

✔My Stepdad [Taennie Adaption]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu