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Jennie's POV

It had been seven months since I ran out of my home. I hadn't seen or heard from Taehyung since. That's my fault though.

When I ran out that day I went to Suga, I broke down in his arms. I told him everything. From the beginning till the end. He was pissed at first but after awhile he calmed down. He understood.

I had been staying in Florida at Suga's family vacation home.

But I was going back to South Korea because I missed Suga and ... I missed Taehyung terribly.

But also because I was pregnant.

I wanted to raise my little girl where I was raised.

I couldn't help but wonder what Nic would think.

Would he even want to see me?

Had he moved on?

Did he even want kids anymore. . With me?

I had so many questions running through my mind.

I hoped he would forgive me for running away like I did. It was childish of me.

I hoped he would still want me...and that he would want our baby.

All of a sudden I felt a kick, crap that hurt.

"Momma feels you babygirl."

She kicked again and I couldn't help but smile but then I started to feel guilty.


Well because Taehyung was missing out on the experience of having a baby.

He had already missed her first appointment, finding out her gender and her first kick.

I looked over at the time and saw I had three hours before I had to leave and head to the airport.

Better take a nap.

Taehyung's POV

Damnit! I had the worst hangover and the banging on the door wasn't helping any.

"I'm coming hold your fucking horses!" I hollered and then regretted it.

When I got to the door and opened it, I froze.

Blinking repeatedly to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

I wasn't.

Standing there in the doorway to my apartment at six in the morning was my angel. And she was . . . pregnant?

No, you're dreaming Taehyung.

I shook my head and looked away then back only to still see her standing there.

"Hey, Tae." Her voice. . . I'd missed the sound of her voice.


She smiled sadly and asked "Can we talk?"

"Yeah.. of course, come in."

She walked in, her hand on her round belly and glanced around. "Nice place."

I looked around. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the best. It was pretty plain. I only got it because I didn't want to buy a house without my angel.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

She sighed and looked up at me. "I have something important to tell you. But first what the heck are you doing hungover? You don't drink!" She said sounding pissed and that just pissed me off.

"You want to know why I'm hungover? Well I'll tell you. You fucking left me! I searched everywhere for you but you just disappeared and now you want to come back seven months later pregnant and act like you care about me?" I seethed out.

Tears filled her eyes but I was too mad to care.

"You know what Jennie? Get the fuck out. I don't want you here, go to your fucking baby daddy!"

I started out of the room when she grabbed me. I yanked my arm away and glared at her ignoring the hurt in her eyes. "Don't touch me."

"I left because I was hurt, I know it was wrong and childish but I was seventeen and had just heard my mom telling the man I love that I was the reason her life was ruined. . . And I'm standing in front of my baby's daddy."

Shocked I stared at her.

"I know now running away wasn't the answer, but . . ." Shaking her head she sighed. "You know what forget it. I only came here to let you know I missed you and to see if you'd give me another chance and to let you know about our baby girl. But it seems like you don't want me anymore. . . If you want to know about our baby girl I'll be at Suga's."

She then ran out the door with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I was frozen. I was going to be a father to a little girl. And I might have just ruined everything.

By the time I was out of my frozen state she was already gone.

"I'm so freaking sorry angel, I will straighten my crap out then I'm coming for you."

I promised.

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