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Jennie's POV

As soon as the final bell of the day rung I hightailed it out of the classroom, tired of hearing Mrs. Pratt go on about her cat, Mr. Flufkins instead of teaching us about Shakespeare and what not.

I quickly placed everything I needed to take home into my school bag and the rest into my locker as I shut the locker a scream left my mouth. “Damn it, you almost gave me a heart-attack you big buffoon!” I shouted making him chuckle. “Sorry Jen, didn't mean to scare ya."

“Yea, sure." I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes. “I thought we were meeting up at your car.” I said as I slipped my bag higher up on my shoulder. “We were,” Suga agreed, “until I saw Yeonjun.”

“What about him?” I asked, looking down at my shoes. “Well... I heard him bragging with a bunch of his friends about you two making out in the locker room yesterday and how if it wasn't for a teacher walking in on y'all that he would have been the one to finally take the goody two shoes virginity.” Glancing up at him I saw a look I'd never seen before pass across his face. It almost looked like jealousy?

I frowned, “Well he's lying,” A relieved look appeared only to drop when I continued to speak. “even if Mr. Haywire wouldn't have walked in on us nothing else would've happened besides kissing.”

“So it's true. You made out with him.” It came out more as a statement instead of a question but I nodded anyways. “Yes Suga, it's true. That's why I went home early yesterday.”

“You not getting suspended or expelled is a miracle.” Suga muttered. And I had to agree. If it wasn't for whatever Taehyung did or said to the principal then I would've been suspended or expelled. Quincy County Highschool is rather strict about their students behavior unless the students parents are extremely wealthy like Suga's parents.

After riding in silence the whole drive to the Redington place I finally asked Suga what was wrong. Turning the engine off his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Why were you with Yeonjun yesterday?” He asked not looking at me.

“What do you mean?” I questioned nervously biting my bottom lip. A sigh left his mouth. “Don't play dumb Jennie because we both know you know what I'm asking.” His green eyes met mine, “Uh, um.. well..” I shook my head. “why does it matter Suga?”

“Just please Jen, tell me.” His eyes pleaded with me. “Suga, why does it matter why I was with Yeonjun? It's not like it's a crime to hang out or in my case make out with a guy!” Expiration filled me.

“Because I thought you hated him?”

“Hate is a strong word. I dislike him.”

“Then why'd you make out with him?” Suga pursued.

“Because I wanted to Suga! Okay, what do you want me to say?”

Ignoring me Suga got out of the car, slamming the door shut and headed toward the house. Getting out as well I ran to catch up to him. “What the hell is your problem Suga?” I yelled. Stopping he turned to face me. “Nothing.” He told me before continuing on his way.

Leaving me standing in his parents driveway, confused and upset.

Deciding it just best I just leave I turned and walked back to Suga's car and grabbed my bag before walking toward home. Thoughts of what I could've done to make Suga mad at me filled my mind and twenty minutes later I found myself at the clearing a few minutes from the park that's five minutes or so from my house.

After staying at the clearing for an hour I decided it was time to head home even though I knew Taehyung would get on to me for disobeying his orders to come straight home after school.

It started sprinkling a few minutes later and I does up from my snail pace trying to get home before it opens up and pours. I sighed in relief seeing my house come into view.

I was going to make it!

The smile on my lips turned upside down when not a moment later the sky grew darker and rain poured from the heavens. “Just great!” I grumbled running rest the way home but still ending up soaked to the bone. My white tee shirt completely see through, showing my white lacy bra, my short skirt sticking to my thighs, my brown hair falling around my face and shoulders in a tangled wet mess.

I rushed into the house, my teeth chattering slightly. My shoes squeaked as I made my way toward the stairs, my soaked bag hanging on my shoulder. “Jennie, is that you?” Taehyung's voice called from his home office. “Y-yes!” I called back before starting up the stairs only to stop and trudge back down them and toward Taehyung's office when he tells me to come there a minute.
Knocking once I opened the door and entered. “Why are you home late?” He questioned not taking his gaze from his computer. “Um..” I started to lie but decided against it. “I went to Suga's house, I was planning on hanging out with him but we got into a small argument,” I said my words stumbling together.

“I thought I told-” His eyes widened and he gulped as he stared at me. After clearing his throat he forced his gaze from my body and looked me in the eyes. “Did you walk home?” I nodded.

A frown appeared on his face. “The argument must've been worst than you're stating if he made you walk home.” He mused and I felt my bottom lip trembled and tears sprung to my eyes. “Oh, angel what happened?” He stood and pulled me into his arms, I dropped my bag on the floor and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face into his shoulder and neck. As I sobbed.

After awhile I calmed down enough to tell him what happened. “I still don't know why he's mad at me.” I sighed out at the end of my story.
“What did I do?” Taehyung cupped my face in his big, warm hands. “You did absolutely nothing wrong angel,”
I frowned, “but-”
“No buts angel, I'm sure he will tell you what made him act like a jerk when he gets done being one. Till then why don't you go take a nice hot shower to warm you up and then soak in the bath for awhile.” Taehyung suggested, “relax for awhile while I fix us something to eat.”

“Okay,” I agreed and after placing a kiss on his cheek grabbed my bag from the floor and started out, pausing at the door and turning around to face Taehyung, catching him staring at me with an intent look on his handsome face. “Where's mom?”

“She's out with some friends, won't be back till morning.”

“Oh, alright.”

After relaxing for an hour in the tub I got out and got dressed before heading downstairs where Taehyung was placing two plates of hot lassanga and garlic bread on the kitchen table.

After we ate and had a talk about me disobeying his orders and what the consequences would be next time we washed the dishes and then went into the living room where we watched Family Matters. It's a funny show. Steve Erkel is the funniest!

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