Chapter 5

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"Thank you," Thea said in a soft voice. She looked down at the dead Wesan. That was close, way too close.

The wolf disappeared once more. Even though she could not see him, Thea knew he was nearby.

"Thea, Thea are you alright?" Rex came rushing up to her. His sword was in his hand and there was a black blood stain in the centre of his shirt.

"You're bleeding -" Thea began.

Rex shook his head. "It's not mine. I managed to injure the Wesan that was after me before that cowardly guard called it back and they retreated."

"Retreated, why would he do that?"

Rex looked at the dead Wesan behind her. "How did you –"

"We need to find Archimedes."

"I saw him run in that direction as we split up." Rex lifted his sword in a defensive position as they began to walk in the direction he had pointed out.

They found Archimedes lying against a tree with a Wesan lying dead a few meters from him. Only a charcoal-blackened carcass remained. Steam was still rising off the body and the air smelt of burnt flesh. One side of Archimedes' robe had been ripped which had exposed his leg. Thea's eyes widened at the site of his leg. The Wesan had bitten a hole in his thigh, just above the knee.

Archimedes groaned in pain, sweat was dripping down his forehead and he was deathly pale.

"Archimedes!" Thea rushed up to him and kneeled next to him. Her hand reached for his wound but froze mid-air. She did not know how to help him.

She looked at his face, "Is there anything we can do?"

Archimedes squeezed his eyes shut, an expression of agonising pain on his face as he moved to sit up straighter. "Could you please pass me my medicine pouch?"

Rex bent to pick up the satchel which was lying on the ground a bit to the side of Archimedes. He handed it to him. Archimedes rummaged in the satchel and pulled out a vial with a vibrant purple liquid inside. He took off the core, brought the vial to his lips, tilted back his head and drank the liquid.

Thea's eyes widened as the skin around the wound began to knit itself together. It started around the wound's perimeter, the skin closing over the exposed flesh until it met in the centre. Although healed, she could still tell where the wound had been. The newly formed skin is still freshly pink.

Archimedes sighed in relief. "There, much better."

"Thea," Rex asked behind her. "What happened back there?"

Archimedes looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"When I found Thea, the Wesan was dead. Its windpipe crushed."

"You killed a Wesan?" Archimedes looked at her with a bewildered look on his face.

Thea shook her head. "There is something I have to tell you guys. When I first got the tattoo, I saw a green wolf, thing. And it was glowing."

"A what now?" Rex asked

"I know it sounds crazy. I first saw him in the forest when I arrived here and again after we escaped the guards. But he was always in the distance, just looking at me, until tonight. I didn't know he could take on a physical form. But when he did, he killed that Wesan. He saved my life."

"Very interesting," said Archimedes, deep in thought. "Wolf figurine, wolf tattoo, wolf spirit. It must all be connected somehow."

"The wolf did sort of guide me to the village."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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