bomb blast

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Doctor:-so am here to tell you about that be serious.

Laila:-yeah tell me how I get to the hospital coz i was some where else..!!

Doctor:-few days ago we received a call...
It was an emergency so me and my team reach that place within 5 mins....when we get there I saw a huge house destroyed and whole building was breaked into pieces...

She was listening him very carefully..

Doctor:- there were some bodyguards so i asked them what happen here... they told me that its was a bomb blast attack.... My team start searching for people under the huge rocks i was there too and i found you there... you was totally covered with blood and badly injured and after treating you i found some extra wound on your body....

Suddenly she think about that night when zane beat her with belt


Doctor:-i was very suspicious that how you get those wound from that accident becoz it was no normal injury so i doubt that some one beat you with belt so........

He look at her softly but she look down at the same point

Doctor:-i know how you are feeling and its okay if you don't wanna share....(smile at her camly)

Laila:- thanks!! Have you find any guy there with alot of tattoes on his body!! (Look at him with a doubtfull face)

Doctor:- yeah we have found someone with this identity but he is....


Doctor:-he is dead now....

Laila:-hmmmmm!!!! (Doesnot show her expressions)

Doctor:-well i hope it doesnot hurt you..

Laila:-none of your business (with straight face)

Doctor:-okayy!! Take care of yourself!!

Laila:-you too!!

He leave from her room and left a piece of paper there... and he tap on it 2 times with his first finger like he was giving her a signal to read it.....

Laila:-*look at him and than look at anothet side*

Doctor:-*left from there*

When he left her aline in that room she went near that paper and pick it up to read it..... and she start reading it....

Laila:-*reading what is written on that slip) ali is waiting for you!!

She went silent for some seconds, she was feeling like she dropped her heart.. start having flashbacks

 start having flashbacks

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