Chapter 4

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Peace was finally starting to spread throughout the clan. Orangefoot and Darkfur's kits had finally come. Tortoisekit and Turtlekit displayed a wide range of orange, brown and black splashed across their fur. Everyone in the clan praised their beautiful litter. 

I wondered what it would be like if I was that beautiful.

Cream had started to atone for the trouble that she'd caused at first. She volunteered to go on patrols whenever she could, and started to openly express her undying loyalty to Mistystar. Only Morningflower was unconvinced.

"I will go on a patrol with Morningflower and Honeypaw." declared Mistystar, "To see how Honeypaw is going in her training."

I puffed out my chest, throwing back my shoulders. Mistystar wanted to personally see me hunt! I glanced proudly at Cloudypaw, who was nibbling on a mouse. She blinked supportively back at me in a distracted manner. There was a light breeze today, so her fur was slightly puffed against the wind, her nose was red. 

Beestripe came up beside me, a purr in her voice, "You'll do great, Honeypaw! Don't be nervous."

Stormcloud and her started licking at my fur and I struggled away indignantly, "Stop it! It's not like I'm becoming a warrior already!"

Morningflower flicked my ear with her tail, "Let them fuss. This must only mean good, for Mistystar to want to hunt with you!"

From when I was a kit, I'd heard how Mistyclan's leader only hunted with a specific few cats. It was very obvious which cats she was assessing in their trust and capability. It was also rumoured that Mistystar was worried about having to replace Fallenleaf if ever necessary. So far, Lilypad seemed to be 'next in line'. 

Suddenly, Cream stood from where she was gossiping with Pearlstorm and Swanwind. 

The she-cat padded up to us and mewed enthusiastically, "I would love to accompany you as well, Mistystar!"

I looked to Mistystar, waiting for her to deny Cream from the patrol. 

But she simply meowed, "If you are to come, then Stonepaw must surely come as well."

I felt Morningflower stiffen beside me as the two cats join our patrol on the way out. I was bewildered, how would she be able to concentrate on helping me pass Mistystar's assessment if Cream was with us? 

Mistystar interrupted my thoughts, "Come, Honeypaw. Tell me what you can smell."

I raised my nose to the air and opened my mouth to taste the wind, "There's a rabbit somewhere to our left and a mouse in the bushes in front of us. I can also smell the squirrels in the trees."

Morningflower's paw shot forward and speared a blackberry bush. A mouse scurried out of it and straight into my paws. I killed it with a swipe. 

My mentor purred proudly, "You were right. But, of course you were!"

Mistystar seemed unimpressed, looking away, and my heart dropped. 

Her nose was sniffing the air and her eyes widened suddenly, "Fox!"

Not a second later, two blurred shapes burst out from a bush, crashing into Mistystar in a flurry of snarling teeth and bristling fur. Mistyclan's leader fought valiantly, injuring one and swinging around to face the other one. Both foxes were vixen, but they fought with the combined strength of ten badgers. I was frozen in terror as their pungent scent wreathed around me. 

How had I not smelled them? 

Morningflower and Cream, after a moment of shock, threw themselves into the battle, tearing viciously at the equally vicious enemy. I shrunk back, suddenly realising how small in size I was compared to the foxes. Looking across to Stonepaw, I saw him advance on the brawl, his eyes shining. I stared at him with renewed respect and confidence. 

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