Chapter 3

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The next day, I had just returned from another hunting patrol and was sharing a plump thrush with Berrypaw. Cloudypaw still wasn't back from her patrol. She and Lilypad had gone to accompany Tropicpalm with picking herbs. I glanced over and noticed Beestripe sharing a vole with Cream. The two she-cats were making idle conversation. It was as if yesterday's argument hadn't even happened. 

Berrypaw noticed me looking, "I heard that Mistystar managed to arrange a truce between Lilypad and Cream. Looks like Beestripe is following suite!"

I nodded, "Stonepaw probably told her that it was all a mistake."

Berrypaw looked at me strangely, "But was it?"

I stood up, shaking my pelt, "Sorry, Berrypaw. I believe Cream. She doesn't seem like she means any harm."

He stood as well, reading my gaze, "You believe Cream or you believe Stonepaw?"

I was speechless. 

Berrypaw rested his tail on my spine, "Whoever you believe, it doesn't matter. I won't judge you. Besides, you may be right."

My eyes followed him as he padded away. Gratitude warmed my pelt and I brushed away the leftover bones of the thrush. I was glad that I had a friend like Berrypaw by my side. 

Why couldn't Stonepaw be like him?

Bitter resentment towards my brother rose inside of me, but the desire to please him was too great. 

How could I hate my own brother?


I turned to face Morningflower, "Hello, Morningflower."

Stonepaw and Cream stood to her right and I felt a pang excitement, "Are we going to practice combat together?"

Cream nodded brightly, "Yup, we're heading to the barn now."

Morningflower glanced at her, "Don't get 'lost' this time."

Cream's shoulder fur rose as Stonepaw glared right back at Morningflower, "What I learnt with Cream was far more important than hunting mice!"

Morningflower cuffed him over the ears, fury emanating off her, "How dare you speak to a warrior like that!"

Stonepaw bared his teeth as if he was going to argue, but Cream touched her tail to Stonepaw's shoulder calmingly and he settled. 

I flicked my tail impatiently, "Let's go!"

To my relief, Morningflower turned and led us in the direction of the barn. Her pace was quick and stiff, whilst Cream seemed relaxed, attempting to engage her in conversation. Holding back a snort of laughter, I thought of how different the two she-cats were. 

I fell back beside Stonepaw, "How's training been for you?"

Stonepaw scoffed, "It was all too easy! I've already learnt how to catch a hare!"

I nearly burst with pride, "So have I! Lilypad showed us a hunting technique yesterday. Morningflower jumped on a pile of hay, and I -"

My brother snapped, "I've already done that as well! Stop trying to show off!"

With that, he stalked ahead to walk beside Cream. 

I blinked, shocked. I wasn't trying to show off!

Was I? 

Did it seem like that way to other cats? As I focused on where we were going, I realised that we'd arrived.

Morningflower led us into the barn, "Honeypaw and Stonepaw, you two can crouch opposite of each other. Me and Cream will correct your positions."

I crouched obediently and Stonepaw did so facing me. His tail was bushed, but lowered, and his hackles had risen. I did the same. 

Suddenly, he lunged at me, claws unsheathed. Letting out a frantic yowl, I scrambled out of the way. Stonepaw struck several blows at me but I dodged. His coordination was only slightly better than mine. However, my heart leaped in my throat every time I saw his claws reaching for my flesh. 

Why had he unsheathed them?! 

Furious, I leaped for his throat just as he had gone for mine. My paws met nothing and I crashed awkwardly upon the floor. Stonepaw loomed over me, smirking.


Morningflower slapped my brother aside with one swipe of her paw, "What were you thinking?!"

Cream hissed, "Don't hurt my apprentice!"

The two she-cats both slid out their claws.

Morningflower growled, "Your apprentice tried to kill mine! Have you been teaching him to fight to kill?"

Cream flattened her ears, "Of course! How else will he be able to survive?"

My mentor let out a screech of fury and threw herself at Cream. I stumbled out of the way as the two warriors fought each other. 

Stonepaw let out a yowl of excitement and I shrunk back. Cream leaped again, her claws flailing towards Morningflower's face.


For a moment, everything froze. Cream turned her head, distracted by the cat that had suddenly burst into the barn. Using Cream's hesitation to her advantage, Morningflower twisted away and brought her paws onto her back as she landed. 

Pinned down, Cream had no choice but to lie still as Lilypad stalked forward. Tropicpalm and Cloudypaw were with her, hovering behind as if uncertain of what to do. I pressed against my sister for support and Stonepaw glared at us.

Lilypad ordered, an edge to her voice, "Let her go, Morningflower. Cream, get up."

As the two cats obeyed, Tropicpalm rushed forward to inspect their wounds.

Lilypad hissed, her ears flattened, "What were you doing?! You're setting a bad example for the apprentices!"

Stonepaw piped up, "No they're not! They were showing us how to fight!"

Cream glanced gratefully at her apprentice, but meowed, "We were arguing and Morningflower got mad. She attacked me."

Lilypad turned her pitiless gaze on my mentor.

Morningflower let out a growl before she could start scolding, "I only did that because Stonepaw used his claws on Honeypaw!!"

Lilypad looked torn between roaring at Stonepaw or chiding our mentors. 

She sighed, shaking her head, "I didn't think something like this would ever happen in Mistyclan. On this journey to the mountains, we all need to stick together. But it seems like all we do is fall apart!"

Stonepaw snarled, "Maybe it's because Mistystar isn't strong enough to hold us together!"

My heart jumped into my throat as Lilypad hissed with wordless anger, pawing at the ground. Morningflower shook her head silently, shocked. 

Cream blinked, "What's wrong? I mean, he's only voicing his own opinion, isn't he?"

Morningflower was on the verge of lashing at Cream again, "That was disrespectful to Mistystar! She founded Mistyclan, she saved Mistyclan!"

Cloudypaw's shoulders were quivering with rage, but her mew was steady, "Cream, in order to be a true warrior, you have to be loyal. It's how we're different from rogues!"

I nodded eagerly in agreement, "How can you ever be a true warrior, anyway? No one will accept you if you talk like that."

Cream gazed at Morningflower, grief glittering in her eyes. I fluffed out my fur, confused. A moment ago, she had been about to tear her muzzle off!

"So that's how it is?" 

The pale orange she-cat ducked her head, "Okay, then. I'll prove myself to all of you, I promise." 


She looked up, "I swear by the stars."

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