Chapter 1

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Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I stood up and stretched, my small claws kneading the moss of my bed. The moss was old and coarse, but I couldn't remember it being any better. Not since we had had to leave the safety and comfort of Mistyclan's old territory. 

A larger dent followed by two more small ones in the bedding told me that Beestripe and my littermates had only recently left. 

Why hadn't they woken me?

Paws still numb with sleep, I staggered out of the barn to face the morning sun. Immediately, a big bundle of fur whammed into my side, knocking me over before gigantic paws pressed me down. 

I wailed, "No fair! You're so much bigger, Stonekit!"

My brother backed off me smugly, "I'm just stronger! Plus, you're even smaller than Fogkit!"

I jumped up, lifting my chin indignantly, "Am not! Fogkit and Dapplekit are a whole three moons younger than us! Mistystar had them when we were only a moon old."

Cloudykit padded to Stonekit's side, a moss ball in her mouth, "Come on! Let's hunt!"

Cloudykit walked off and I hurried after her, a little dismayed at Stonekit's mocks. Beestripe scooped up the moss ball and tossed it far, far away, to where Swanwind and Spiderfur were sharing prey in front of where Orangefoot and Darkfur were chatting. 

Stonekit darted forward, his strong hind legs propelling himself off the ground in a great leap but Spiderfur hooked the moss ball up, letting it float away towards where Cloudykit was. 

The moss was so light that it danced in the wind as she jumped, her front paws reaching eagerly. Finally, it landed in a pile of leaves. I raced towards it, Stonekit at my tail. Using my lighter weight, I successfully crashed into the moss ball, growling as I sunk my teeth in. 

Looking towards my brother for approval, he only sniffed, "Lucky catch. I'm still far stronger than you! You're too small to become as good a warrior as I will!"

With that, he pranced off haughtily, Cloudykit following. I watched with my haunches raised and mind determined.

I promised quietly, "You will see me as your equal, one day! I will make you proud, Stonekit!"


Cloudykit and I were basking in the light of the sun while Stonekit savagely tore apart a ball of fresh moss. Fogkit watched, admiration shining in her big, blue eyes. The white leaf mark on her head had been passed down by Fallenleaf, causing the delight of both parents. 

They often said that it was a sign from Starclan, but they didn't know what it meant. A shadow appeared at the barn's entrance and I sat up eagerly to see Fallenleaf walk in with a mole dangling from his mouth. A strange she-cat with a light coloured pelt appeared not far behind him, with Morningflower and Amberpaw urging her forward. She was holding a dark ginger tom-kit by the scruff. 

Cloudykit nudged me, "Who's that?"

All around us, warriors were rising from their mid-afternoon meal or nap, padding forward to bristle defensively at the newcomer. Fallenleaf beckoned Mistystar over with a flick of his tail.

She meowed simply, "Fallenleaf, explain yourself."

There was an edge to her voice that seemed to pierce her mate sharply. 

The deputy still held his head high, "I don't have to. I've done nothing wrong, at least, that's what I believe..."

For a moment, the air between the mates froze. 

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