Chapter 7: Belle

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"If you're under him, you ain't getting over him"

- New Rules (Dua Lipa)

The Triwizard Tournament officially begins today. I visit the Hufflepuff common room, to check in on Cedric. I brought him some pumpkin pastries I had 'borrowed' from the kitchen. If he knew I stole snacks for him, he would scold me, that's why I would never tell him.

"How are you feeling, Cedric?" I ask him as I arrive, placing the basket of pastries on the table in front of the couch where he sat. I slid onto the sofa right next to him and started unpacking those pastries for him to eat.

"Fine, a little nervous. But I guess it's normal, we don't know what our first task is after all." He replies with a chuckle. His expression and posture were more stiff than usual. It seemed like he was quite nervous. I handed him a pastry. He accepted it gratefully.

"Just try your best and most importantly be careful out there. Don't try too hard, it's alright if you don't win" I reassure him.

He ruffles my hair softly. "Don't worry, I'll be just fine. You're becoming worried about everything these days, relax" he finishes his pastry in no time. As it was about time we started heading down to the fields.

Cedric was wearing his quidditch uniform, which allowed him to move around freely. I'm guessing this task requires lots of movement and great stamina. Cedric has, so I shouldn't worry too much, but for some reason, I have a bad feeling about this being more dangerous than imagined.

As Cedric enters the tent for preparation with the other contestants. I took a seat in the stands where everyone else was. I sit between Hermione and Luna. My eyes roam the crown, finding them land on a pair of grey eyes staring back at mine. Draco gives me a small smile. Which was unusual, until I remembered about our fake dating plan, so I returned him a small smile.

Hermione noticed our exchange of glances and nudged me with her elbow. Luna tries to hold in her laughter but ends up letting out a snort, making all three of us laugh out loud. Luna and Hermione weren't friends before, but after Harry and Luna got closer, Hermione was willing to be friends with Luna as well, so now I can finally spend time with my two best friends.

Draco turns around to face the front again, as the music starts playing. It must be time for the contestants to compete in the first task. Suddenly, a loud roar is heard from a distance. Then something huge steps out of a cage. A dragon? I looked more closely. The dragon was a Swedish Short-Snout, its huge wings flapped and fire breathed out its nostrils. All the students in the crowd gasped in shock. Who knew they were using dragons, these were dangerous to fight. Cedric! No, what if he gets hurt? As I was lost in my thoughts, a figure stepped out of the tent. Cedric, holding nothing but a wand, comes out and faces the dragon.

I clench my fist, praying that Cedric comes out of there in one piece. I notice a golden egg, guarded by the dragon. That must be what the contestants need to get. But first, they have to get past that fire-breathing dragon. Cedric slowly approaches the dragon. But the dragon notices him and flames shoot out of its mouth! Cedric jumps behind a rock to hide himself. Then he quickly uses a transfiguration spell on a rock to turn it into...a dog? The dragon's attention instantly shifted to the dog. Cedric quickly ran from behind the rock and snatched the golden egg!

Everyone in the crowd cheers as he takes the golden egg and returns to the tent safely. I let out a sigh of relief before running down to the tents to check on Cedric.

I enter the tent and see Cedric sitting on a bench. I notice scratches on his face and on his hands.

"Cedric, are you alright?" I ask as I approach him. I grab my wand from my pocket.

"Yes, just a little scratched but I'm fine, I'll just visit the hospital wing later to get it fixed." He gives me a smile to reassure me.

I sit down next to him, holding my wand to the scratches on his hands. "There's no need for you to go there, I'll heal you right now" I say before casting a spell to heal his wounds. I lightly caress his face to heal the scratches on his face as well.

Cedric's eyes were fixed on me, a smile crept onto his face. "I forgot what a talented witch you were, thank you" He chuckles. I blush at his words, but somehow I feel like they don't affect me as much as before. Weird.

Fleur and Victor also return to the tent soon after, so I stand up to leave after mending his wounds. As I open the tent to leave, a tall figure stands outside of the tent.

"What are you doing here?" I raise my eyebrows, confused about why Malfoy of all people was standing outside the tent.

"Waiting for you" he replies with a blank expression, his voice is also emotionless.

I tilt my head, wondering why he isn't acting like his cheeky usual self.

"How's he?" He finally looks up meeting my eyes.

"Cedric? He's fine, just a few scratches, I healed his wounds already" I reply

He nods before walking away without saying a word.

What's with him?

I follow him, almost running as he walks too fast. Why are his legs so long? Suddenly, I trip over a rock. I gasp out loud. Just as I was about to fall flat on my face, a pair of strong arms hugged my waist, keeping me on my feet. As I look upwards, I see Draco looking down at me with a worried expression.

"Are you alright? You're so clumsy" He caresses my face with his palm. My cheeks burn up and my heartbeat rapidly increases.

"Yeah- I'm fine" I stutter, looking away out of embarrassment.

"Belle-" I hear someone calling my name. I instantly turn to see Liam staring at us with his mouth open.

Draco and I jump away from each other. My brother looks at both of us, mortified by the sight.

"Are you two? Belle, are you dating Malfoy?" He says in a loud voice, turning the heads of many students. I run up to him covering his mouth right away.

"Liam! Stop shouting!" I wince and glare at him.

"Answer me! Are you dating him!" Liam whispers, still staring at Draco over my shoulder.

"Um..." I hesitate. If I say yes, I have to lie to my brother until our deal ends.

"Yeah, we're dating" Draco walks up to us, with his hands in his pockets.

I swallow nervously. Would people believe this? I look back at my brother. His eyes widen, his mouth hanging open. Students around us start whispering. Let's hope this news spreads to Cedric.

Draco grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. Liam's eyes widen even more, he points at our hands.

"You. Two." Without saying anything else he walks away, covering his mouth. Xavier stares at us from behind Liam. He smirks and sends us an approving smile.

"And fake dating begins" Draco whispers into my ear, still holding my hand like it's normal.

This is going to be a long year.

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