Chapter 3: Belle

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"I knew you were trouble when you walked in"

-I Knew You Were Trouble (Taylor Swift)

The first day of my fourth year at Hogwarts finally came. After what happened at the Quidditch World Cup, I've been dreading to come back and face that arrogant Slytherin prince. I boarded the Hogwarts Express and saw my best friend and roommate, Luna Lovegood, waving at me. I entered and sat across from her.

"Hey, Luna!" I say happy to see her.

"Hey, Belle! How was your break?" She asked with a smile

"Great! At least most of it was" I sigh before telling her all about what happened with Draco.

"What have you got yourself into, who knows what he'll make you do!" I could tell she was worried about me.

"Let's just hope me doesn't make me do anything crazy" I sigh

We chatted happily to Hogwarts, making me forget about bad things for a short while.

As we went to our first class, which was potions, my favorite lesson! Professor Snape announced that this year will start with group work, he started reading out assigned pairs and made us sit together with our partners.

As he read down his list "Hermione and Ron. Draco and Belle..."

That's when my world flipped upside down. Out of everyone why him! Shit! I cursed in my mind. I quietly went over to my desk. I feel Draco pull out his chair and sit next to me. I avoided looking at him as I quietly stared ahead. I hear him scoff before bending down to pull my chair towards him. I let out a small gasp. He leans in and whispers into my ear.

"Are you avoiding me? You can't avoid me forever, you know. Plus you're kind of stuck with me for the project." Even without looking at him, I could tell he was smirking. How I wish I could wipe that arrogant smirk off his face. He slides his arm over the back of my chair. I sit straight to avoid his touch. He chuckles before facing the front again as class begins. Never have I thought I would be so grateful to Professor Snape.

The professor explained our project was to investigate one type of potion, and we had to present everything we found about that potion. We would have a month to work on it. Great, I'm stuck with Malfoy for a month, just great. We began to brainstorm which potion we investigate.

"What about Amortentia?" Draco suggested

"The love potion?" I said

"Yeah, the love potion. It's the most powerful love potion, should be interesting to research about" Draco explained

I nodded in agreement. He made a good point, love potions were not allowed to be used in the school grounds but we could still learn more about them.

As the class was dismissed Malfoy approached from behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Meet at the potions storage room after lunch, What do you say?"

I tried to push his arm off me but it didn't work. "Fine..." I say.

Just then I spot Cedric walking in our direction. He notices Draco's embrace, and eyes us confused. "Belle" He greets me with a smile, but his expressions change as he looks at Draco. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Cedric says his eyes not leaving Draco, his face had a wary expression, different from his usual kind Cedric's face.

"Yeah of course" I say before following Cedric to an empty corner. Draco finally decided to let go of me and walk away.

"What's going on with you and Malfoy?" He said with an expression I've never seen him make. Protective, wary, and somewhat...Jealous? I must be reading this wrong, he likes Cho.

"Nothing, nothing's going on" I reply

"Then why was he putting his arm around you" His expressions darken

For the first time I found Cedric intimidating, I gulped before answering "I don't know" His expression finally softened "Ok if you say so. That boy is bad news I don't want you near him, from what I heard he's not a good guy, I don't want you to get hurt"

Is he worried about me? So if I get involved with Draco, he'll get jealous? Wait why am I trying to make him jealous... but that is a good idea! "Cedric, I know what I'm doing, you don't have to worry" I assure him. Then I quickly went to eat lunch before meeting Draco in the storage room.

As I open the door of the storage room, I find Draco leaning against the shelved with a quill and paper in his hand.

"Let's begin" He smirked

As we find all the ingredients needed to make the Amortentia potion, we write down each ingredient's characteristics. We were the best in our class, naturally, we would try harder to top our class. I couldn't deny working with Draco was highly efficient, he's smart and helpful, not that I didn't know since we've been fighting for the top spot every single time. After an hour we were done with our research.

"So we're done right?" I stood up to stretch after sitting for a long time.

"We still need to prepare for the presentation but that can wait" He also stands up and runs his hand through his hair. It was so smooth and golden, shining even in the darkness. He glanced at me and his gaze met mine, I was unable to look away from those grey jewels. He walks closer to me and leans down slightly, his eyes never leaving mine, he brushes a lock of my hair behind my ears.

"What are you thinking, beauty?" He smirks with that irritatingly handsome face of his.

Before I could respond, the door opened revealing Xavier and... Cedric? I instantly stepped away from Draco. Cedric stares at him with his mouth open from shock. Xavier breaks the silence.

"Were you two doing what I think you were doing?" He smirks

"No! It's not like that, Xavier!" I yell, desperately trying to clear the misunderstanding.

Cedric walks away without saying a word to me. Xavier laughs and follows Cedric.

"Continue don't mind our intrusion" He chuckles as he leaves.

I stare at the door for a while before turning back to Draco. "Oh god, what do I do now?" I said in a panicked tone.

"Is he jealous?" Draco says smirking

"Who?" I say confused

"Your crush" I widen my eyes "Shut up"

"You being with me, it's making him jealous" He states with a blank expression

I stare at him not knowing what to say.

"I know what I want for my wish" He smirks

"What is it?" I ask

"Be my girlfriend"

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