Chapter 6: Belle

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"They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you"

-Heaven (Fifty Shades Freed, Julia Michaels)

After a week, it was finally Halloween, which was also the day the students would be chosen to compete in the Triwizard tournament. Cedric and Liam both entered their names, Xavier on the other hand didn't bother putting his name in the Goblet, typical. All the students were seated in the Great Hall, all anticipating the Goblet to pick the names. I sat next to Luna at the Ravenclaw table.

After a few minutes, three pieces of paper came out of the Goblet. Professor Dumbledore picked her up and started reading the names out loud.

"First from Durmstrang... Victor Krum."

Victor Krum stood up and went towards the front of the Great Hall. All the students roar in excitement, myself included.

"From Beauxbatons...Fleur Delacour"

A beautiful blonde girl stood up and walked to the front of the Hall. Many cheered for her.

"And lastly from Hogwarts...Cedric Diggory"

I instantly turned to find Cedric. His friends surrounded him, all congratulating him. When he walked past me, I gave him a quick smile as he headed to the front.

"These are our contestants for the Triwizard tournament this year. Let the competition begin!"

Later that evening, there was a party to celebrate Cedric being picked to compete. All students were allowed to attend. I walked to the dungeons with Hermione, heading to the Hufflepuff common room. As soon as we entered the party, there was loud music blasting, and lots and lots of drunk 7th years. Cedric spots me immediately and waves for us to join them. Harry and Ron were already with them, and they were playing a game of wizard chess.

"Most of us are here right?" Xavier shouts to everyone in the room could hear. "Who wants to play a game of 7 minutes in heaven?" Everyone who wanted to join sat in a circle. Including, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Liam, and Cedric.

"Do you want to play?" Cedric asks as he sits down on the ground.

"Oh yeah sure" I say sitting down next to him.

Cho joins the circle, sitting next to Harry. Both of them were smiling at each other. What's with those two? I looked over at Cedric and he looked slightly disappointed to see Cho with Harry. Then suddenly, someone else also joined the circle. Draco? What's he doing here? He wasn't the type to join social activities with students other than his friend group. Blaise Zabini also joins sitting next to Draco. Blaise gives me a small smile, he was a kind boy but we barely interacted. I return the smile out of politeness.

"Let's begin" Xavier spins the bottle. Everyone becomes silent as we watch the bottle spin. Some were hoping it would land on them, but obviously, I was praying it wouldn't land on me. The truth is I haven't had my first kiss yet. Why would I want to do seven minutes in with anyone?

The bottle slows down eventually and it lands on Harry. We all make noises teasing him. Harry spins the bottle again, to choose who he ends up in the room with. And it lands on...Cho. I instantly peaked at Cedric, he looked upset. Cho and Harry happily went into the room.

Xavier noticing Cedric's change of expression suggests "Let's choose another pair to go in after those two"

He once again spins the bottle. This time the bottle lands on...Me? I stare down at the end of the glass bottle pointing right at me. Hermione nudges me with a smile on her face.

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