Chapter 35

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After we arrived in Ahrensbach and were greeted with those words, my mother, Lady Georgine, instructed us to follow her.

She didn't say anything during the journey and simply escorted me and my guards back to the castle.

The tension in the air was palpable, and I was very nervous. After all, it was Lady Georgine we were talking about.

I knew her very well, as she was one of the main antagonists of the story. One wrong step and my head would roll, not even being her daughter would save me from such a fate.

After the short journey, which felt like an eternity, we finally arrived at her hidden chambers, those special rooms where no one else could enter unless invited beforehand, as they used a magical barrier that prevented passage to strangers.

My guards stayed outside, and my mother and I entered, sitting at a table so we were facing each other.

She was calm, but had that look parents have moments before scolding their children for some mischief they did at school.

And considering everything that had happened to me today, she certainly had reasons to be upset.

"You look a bit tense, daughter. Have a glass of water," was the first thing that came out of her mouth, which left me quite surprised at such a gesture of kindness towards her daughter.

I slowly lifted the glass of water, and suddenly overwhelming thoughts came to my mind.

"Isn't it poisoned, right?... My mother wouldn't do this...".

Who was I kidding? Clearly, she would.

Anyway, she stayed watching me, waiting for me to drink the water.

Damn, with all that pressure she was putting on me, I couldn't refuse... Besides, I didn't think she would do it here, even if we were alone, there were many people outside waiting.

Here we go, I put the glass to my mouth and started drinking the water slowly. I was so nervous that I finished it in a matter of seconds.

When I finished, I analyzed myself deeply and noticed that there had been no adverse reaction.

I felt very good.

I turned back to my mother and began to think: "Perhaps I was wrong about her, and like Lestilaut, she was also different here."

Big mistake, as a few seconds later she said, "Yes, you look calmer now. Now, what the hell were you thinking!?

Damn. This definitely didn't look good!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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