Chapter 25

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Lady Eglantine continued to look at us with curiosity for a few more seconds before posing her next question. "Do you two know each other from somewhere?"

Ludwik quickly responded, denying any connection between us.

"Of course not! I would never associate myself with someone with such poor manners," he said with a disdainful tone.

I decided to play a little with the situation and added with a sarcastic smile, "Ah, we finally agree on something."

This response seemed to further irritate Ludwik, who was about to raise his voice.

However, before he could do so, Lady Eglantine intervened calmly but authoritatively. "Enough," she said.

She then turned to Ludwik with a serious look. "Lord Ludwik, you should learn to control your emotions. Such outbursts are unworthy of a noble," she admonished.

Ludwik nodded somewhat fearfully and promised in a more humble tone, "Of course, my lady! I will strive not to embarrass the nobles."

I couldn't blame him for feeling intimidated.

After all, we were facing the candidate for Archduchess of Klassenberg, the duchy that held the first place in the ranking of all Yurgenschmidt.

Lady Eglantine then turned to me, shifting her focus.

"And you, Lady Detlinde, shouldn't pressure the other nobles so much, or you might get into trouble," she warned me with a serious yet compassionate tone.

Immediately, I responded deferentially, "As you say, Lady Eglantine. I will try to be more careful from now on."

With this conversation, the tension that had existed moments before dissipated.

I thought our interaction would come to an end, but Lady Eglantine had other plans in mind...

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