Chapter 33

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Pov Eglantine (3rd):

The situation grew even tenser when the girl called Ludwik 'Shumil Head'. Shumils are small feybeasts with dark blue fur and golden eyes; nobles often keep them as pets due to their adorableness.

The comparison, though insulting, was ironically accurate. Ludwik, with his short dark hair and piercing eyes, bore a certain resemblance to these creatures, especially when his face contorted in anger.

After she said that, I couldn't help but draw the comparison between Ludwik and one of these creatures in my mind, which caused me to burst out laughing.

Of course, being a noble, I couldn't allow anyone to see me, so I discreetly covered my mouth, but I couldn't stop laughing. The mental image was too comical: Ludwik with a small furry body, scampering after a ball of yarn.

I was fortunate that the people around me did the same, and I went unnoticed.

I knew it wasn't the right time to laugh, but I couldn't help but think that I couldn't remember the last time I laughed so carefreely. Perhaps I'd have to dig back into my childhood days to recall something like that.

Anyway, this only lasted a moment until Lord Ludwik grew angry and began approaching the girl very quickly.

I doubted he would resort to physical violence, but of course, I wasn't about to find out. I wasn't going to let the situation escalate any further.

I set out to stop him, ready to intervene and calm things down, but someone beat me to it.

A tall and elegant figure, with an air of authority.

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