Chapter 6

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The situation was growing increasingly tense as the Dunkelfelger boy continued with his aggressive tone. I knew that the duchies held significant sway in Yurgenschmidt, and Dunkelfelger was far above mine in the rankings. 

In this world, that ranking meant power and authority over the lesser duchies. I didn't want to stir up more trouble than necessary, so I decided to apologize and hope the situation wouldn't escalate further.

"Are you blind? Watch where you're going!" he snapped harshly, making me feel even more uncomfortable. 

I tried to keep my composure as I apologized for the second time, "I'm sorry, my lord, I was distracted." I hoped that would be the end of it, especially when I noticed more students gathering around us.

However, the Dunkelfelger boy didn't seem willing to let it go so easily. "Now I'll have to waste my valuable time cleaning my uniform," he said bitterly, not lowering his voice. I was surprised by his exaggerated reaction.

After all, it wasn't that big of a deal, right? A simple cleaning spell, a Waschen, and everything would be sorted in seconds. Unless... he couldn't use magic himself?

Then, an idea occurred to me to try to defuse the situation. "If you'd like, I can clean it for you," I suggested, recalling the basic cleaning spells that Detlinde used in her memories. 

But his response was even more unpleasant than I had anticipated. "Do you think I'm so inept that I can't do it myself?" he snapped, with a glare that made me step back.

I felt confused and frustrated by his reaction. Was this boy joking? Or had he truly had a bad day and was taking it out on me? The situation was growing increasingly complicated.

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