Chapter 13

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Although the situation was somewhat problematic, adapting to the fact that the personalities of the characters were different from those in the novel didn't seem like an insurmountable challenge for someone like me.

However, as I pondered this, I was interrupted by the urgent whisper of my guards: "Lady Detlinde... Lady Detlinde!"

Suddenly, I realized that everyone around me was watching. Darn it! I had fallen into my habit of ignoring everything around me while I concentrated.

I completely forgot that we were in the midst of a discussion. I cleared my throat and responded, "No, not at all, Lord Lestilaut. We all make mistakes, which is why we're here at the academy, to learn how to avoid them."

Lestilaut's expression visibly softened upon hearing me say that.

He then turned to Ludwik, who still looked angry, and asked, "Even Lord Ludwik apologizes for the misunderstanding, right?"

Ludwik's fury practically dissipated upon seeing the annoyance on Lestilaut's face for being dragged into this problem.

He had no choice but to apologize, "Yes, I apologize for the misunderstanding, my lady," he said with a grim expression.

It was clear that this wouldn't be the last time I'd have to deal with Ludwik.

His words of apology were merely a formality, and I could feel that the tension between us would still linger. But for now, at least, the situation had calmed down, and I could breathe a little easier.

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