8 ~Missing~

85 3 0

(1150 words)


A lone Worker Drone wanders the halls of the colony for no reason and searching for nothing. He was unaware of the danger that was lurking nearby, watching him, waiting for the right time to strike. Eventually the Worker feels a tap on his shoulder, and when he turns around he comes face to face with a glowing yellow X and an open smile, both upside down. The Worker gets grabbed by the creature and taken into the vents, where his oil promptly spills out and onto the ground.

Z jumps out of the vents and onto the ground in front of Doll "I got another one" she says as she licks oil from her claws, "Хорошо, остается один (Okay, that leaves one left)"  Doll replies as she takes out the list of Workers they've eliminated and need to eliminate. "Вот этот (This one)" Doll says as she points to the only name that isn't crossed off, "Это последний, кого нам нужно убить (Is the last one we need to kill)" Z looks at the name, "That's that one girl, right? The one with the glasses? Wait no there are multiple girls with glasses- You know, that girl" Doll simply nods in response. "Are we going to do that now or...?" Z begins to ask, "Да, мы собираемся сделать это сейчас (Yes, we are going to do that now)" Doll responds quickly, "Great, let's go do it then!" Z calls out as she speeds towards the door. Doll simply smiles a bit before walking towards the door as well.

It's Night in Outpost 3, most Workers are sleeping, though a few have gone missing for a strange reason. A Worker Drone runs past the missing posters on the wall, she seems to be afraid. Red text appears in front of her glasses and her glasses shatter, making it hard for her to see. She tries to see what's in front of her and watches as a camera breaks by some red circle forcing it to turn 180 degrees around. The Worker then sees Doll, who makes a strange symbol appear as she points it at the Worker Drone. The symbol then appears at her wrist and pulls her arm off. Doll makes 3 butcher knives appear and throws them at the Worker Drone. Two of them miss, and the third one is about to miss but is caught by hand, coming from the vents, which then uses the knife to finish the job.

Doll walks through the door and into her apartment as Z follows behind her, looking very pleased with herself. Doll uses her Solver to put her books away. She then crosses the last name off of a list as she says aloud, "Мама папа. Я дома (Mom, Dad. I'm home)". Z walks past Doll and to her room. Doll watches Z silently before saying to herself, "Ты отличаешься от других дронов-убийц... Мне это в тебе нравится (You're different compared to the other murder drones... I like that about you)" she then heads to her own room.

The moment Z closes the door in her room she rushes over to the phone and speedily dials Shell, hoping that he picks up, "Please, please, please, please, just this once..." the phone rang... and rang... and rang... but nobody picked up. "Shell, please... where are you?..." but yet nobody picked up. Z dejectedly puts the phone back down. "Come on Shell... Where did you go..." Z mumbles to herself, "Where are you..." as she says this small oil tears fall down her face. "Please..."



Uzi wakes up on the floor surrounded by a bunch of papers. She looks over at the bunch of papers connected on her ceiling, and sees a drawing from N is up there, she then proceeds to start groaning dramatically. She does this while writing, getting hit by a ball, and even at her locker. She immediately stops groaning when someone knocks her book out of her hand and it launches above and then lends in her hands in front of her. I don't know how the book did that, but just go with it. "Yeah. Meeting Brad in an hour" says the female worker. Uzi in anger tries to throw her book at the female worker drone but instead ends up hitting a worker with his head on fire. "Can you imagine going to prom alone?" The female worker says to a male worker, "Hah, I'd be all like, 'I don't deserve happiness'" the male worker responds. Uzi glares at the two workers before sighing and going to grab her book. When she looks up she sees the missing posters, she then looks over at the janitor cleaning up an oil mess and the backwards camera. Uzi suddenly starts cackling and throws her book behind her and starts ripping off the missing posters.

Uzi walks through the door of her bedroom, still cackling like a maniac. She twirls a bit and climbs up the ladder to her bed, holding the missing posters. She's about to put the posters on her mural of papers but stops when she sees that everything that was on her ceiling, is gone.

Khan sifts through a few papers before setting back into the room labelled "Nori's kooky insane stuff". Khan walks out of his room, whistling. Khan begins walking down the hallway, whistling, when he suddenly stops and gasps in surprise when he sees Uzi crouched down in a corner holding her head with her hands. "My crazed ramblings! Stay out of my room!" Uzi yells at her father angrily. "Personal space for very alarming coping mechanisms isn't covered under a..." Khan then proceeds to pull out a parenting manual. A FREAKING PARENTING MANUAL! "...non-optional family support structure" Khan read aloud from the parenting manual. Uzi swats the manual away, "I'm sorry for being vulnerable for five seconds, okay?!" Uzi walks past Khan, "You were never there for me. If you wanna help now, stay distant" Khan responds with a slight look of sadness. "I'm going to talk to N- what is that?" Uzi gestures to a skeleton wearing a dress that she almost tripped over. "Prom dress, child's small. You're grounded from seeing those bad-influencey murder drones, besides the one in your class" Uzi gives a look of confusion and shock, "Wha?"Khan begins to walk towards the door, "But I talked to your teacher to find you classmates to go with tonight!" Uzi looks even more shocked, "Huh?" Khan opens the door, showing Lizzy, Doll, and Z. "'Sup, freak. Prepare to be popular" Lizzy says to Uzi, Doll waves and Z says "Hi purple girl!" while waving at her, "I'm chaperoning!" Khan calls out while putting on a bow tie that immediately falls off. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


(quick note, I just want to thank y'all for over 900 reads. I really like writing this story and I'm glad you all like it too. that's all)

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