5 ~Plans and Memories~

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(1002 Words)

Shell and Z walked down the empty hallway, the only sounds being the clomp of their feet. Suddenly Shell turns to a closed door and knocks on it. After a few seconds the door opens slightly and Doll peeks out, "О, это ты, Шелл. Вы здесь, чтобы отвезти Z?(Oh, it's you Shell. Are you here to drop off Z?)" Shell nods in response, "Yeah I'm here to drop her off," Shell pushes Z in front of Doll, "Doll, this is Z. Z, this is Doll," Doll waves while Z says, "Hi!" Shell begins to explain, "So, uh, Z. Doll is who you're going to stay with for a while," Z nods in response, "Okay!" Shell smiles before looking away, "Okay, Bye... Z..." Shell walks away, back to his apartment. "bye Shell! See you later!" Z watches as Shell walks away, and Doll stares at Z with slight pity. "Заходите, я думаю, (Come in, I guess)" Doll says as she opens her door fully in order to let Z in. Z walks in and takes a look around, "Nice decorations!" Doll ignores the complement, "Ты можешь спать в комнате в конце коридора, (You can sleep in the room at the end of the hallway)" Z smiles at Doll, "Thanks for letting me know!"

A few days have passed since Z has started living with Doll. Doll has grown to trust Z so she decides to share, "Могу ли я доверить тебе что-то? (Can I trust you with something?)" Z turns to face Doll, "Sure you can! I promise I won't tell!" Z gives a trustworthy smile, "У меня есть план... (I have a plan...)" Z gives an excited look, "Oooh! What is it?" "Если я тебе скажу, ты обещаешь, что никому не расскажешь, и будешь следовать моему примеру? (If I tell you, you promise you won't tell anyone and you'll follow along?)" Z nods vigorously, "I promise!" Doll squints her eyes before continuing, "Это план убить одного из Дронов-убийц, особенно того, который более психопатический, (It's a plan to kill one of the Murder Drones, specifically the more psychopathic one,)" Z's face slightly dims, "Oh, you mean V? I kind of like her... but she did hurt some worker drones so I guess that's fair," Doll nods as she begins to explain the details of the plan, "Мой план состоит в том, чтобы заставить Ви подписаться на роль королевы выпускного вечера, с чем поможет мой другой друг, а затем мы убьем всех возможных королев и королей выпускного вечера, чтобы было гарантировано, что Ви станет королевой выпускного вечера, и тогда я смогу позаботиться о нем. остальные. Ты можешь помочь с убийством и позаботиться о том, чтобы никто не вмешивался во время выпускного вечера, (My plan is to get V to sign up for prom queen which my other friend will help with, and then we kill off all the other possible prom queens and kings so that it's guaranteed that V will be prom queen and then I can take care of the rest. You can help with the killing and you can make sure no one interferes during prom night,)" Z gives a saddened look, "I understand that this is the easiest way to do this but isn't there a way we can do this without killing anyone? And who is this person that's going to help us with getting V to enter prom?" Doll shakes her head, "Нет, и чтобы ответить на другой вопрос, они должны быть здесь через несколько минут...(No, and to answer the other question, they should be here in a few minutes...)" Suddenly the front door of Doll's apartment opens to reveal Lizzy, "Hey Doll, you called- oh ew, what is that thing?" she points at Z, "Rude..." Z points out, Doll sighs, "Это Зи, она поможет нам с нашим планом, (This is Z, she's gonna help us with our plan)" Lizzy nods in response, "Mhm, okay I get it, she's gonna help with the stuff you need to do I can assume?" Doll nods in response. Lizzy holds her hand out, "Welcome to the operation, loser," Z rolls her eyes and shakes Lizzy's hand.


"We've got to curb her trips to the dump,"

N stands before two humans, holding a platter with a bunch of glasses neatly stacked on it. "And where is she getting hair to play dress-up with them? Kind of creepy," a human says aloud as he throws a glass into the air, which N catches with no problem as he heads down the hallway. N walks along an inside balcony, but he stops to look outside Elliot manor. N walks down another hallway, but isn't looking and accidentally collides with V, "Oh! I-I'm so sorry I wasn't looking-" N stutters as he begins picking up the glasses that managed to not break, impressive, "It's okay, I wasn't looking either," V begins to pick the glasses up but when her and N's almost touch a blue spark goes between them, causing them to blush. N is about to say something but J kicks him down, "Ugh, move it moron," Z approaches behind N and helps him up, "You really aught to be nicer, J," J rolls her eyes, "Whatever moro- Oh hi Tessa!" N, V, and Z look in the direction J was facing, and they see Tessa with a new worker drone hiding behind her, "Oh no, another one?" J says aloud as the worker drone peaks out behind Tessa, and there's something familiar about her-

N wakes up suddenly and immediately falls to the ground because he was sleeping upside down. N sits up and switches his normal hand for his clawed hand, examining it. Any train of thought N was having was cut off by Uzi calling out to him, "N, I found something in here!" N quickly rushes into the landing pod to see what Uzi had found, but not taking his mind off of that familiar worker drone from his dream. He wonders who that strange worker drone was and why she felt so familiar.

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