4 ~La Pelea Realmente Intensa~

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Thad flies across the floor, oil spilling from his chest as Doll and Lizzy go over to help Thad. J chuckles as she lays a headless worker on the ground and approaches the alive workers. "So they found our evacuation spot, what if we build a quick door?" Khan suggests before Thad stands up and grips a pipe to use as a weapon, "You're kidding right? You're the WDF! Defend!" all the members of the WDF make different actions that all mean the same thing, Nah. "For real?" Thad questions, when he turns around V drops down and stabs him with her wing, then throws him on the ground, making him spill out more oil. V is about to finish off Thad when suddenly, "Put that conventionally attractive male down!" Uzi shouts from the entry to the room, N standing next to her, waving. Uzi this N with her elbow to get N to say something, "Oh, uh, J, sometimes you're mean to me, and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism," V tosses Thad to the side as J responds, "Noted, traitor. We'll circle back after I rightsize your existence," Uzi turns to N, "Okay. Which one do you want?" "J please," "too bad," Uzi throws a high-durability, good quality, JcJenson pen straight into one of J's nanite acid holders on her head, of course J starts screaming in pain. N turns towards V and makes a signal as if trying to say, "we're good, right?" and in response V giggles and exchanges her hands for swords, launching towards N. 

Uzi is about to shoot J with her rail-gun but J swaps her hand for a machine gun and starts shooting at Uzi, causing Uzi to almost fall. J rips the pen out of her nanite acid holder, "Damn the well made, quality assured, durability of JCJenson products! huh?" J looks up and sees Uzi strike a pose in the air before slamming into J with her foot, lodging the pen in her head. When Uzi lands a laser almost hits her but she was able to duck in time. N gets thrown against a bunch of boxes and barely dodges a laser. V prepares to shoot another laser and so does N, and N manages to shoot first but it just becomes a pink heart for some (definitely not obvious) reason, "AH! MY MIND IS IN A WEIRD PLACE RIGHT NOW, DON'T READ INTO THIS!" a rocket suddenly lands next to N and explodes. J rips the pen out of her head, and looks for Uzi. When she finds Uzi she powers up an EMP, which short circuits Uzi's systems for a few seconds, giving J the upper hand in the battle.

Meanwhile over in the corner Z is watching all this happen, not really doing anything, but she did know one thing, J never gave her any orders to kill any worker drones so she doesn't have to do that. Yay!

But back to the fight, V and N are clashing in the air with swords, while it's clear N is holding back. N begins to start losing, but he soon notices J walking towards Uzi, who is laying on the ground, "Uzi!" N turns back to V, "I'm so, so sorry. have fun repressing this?" N licks V's swords, "Ew, what the hell?" V questions as N zooms up and slams down on V with his leg. Uzi attempts to reach for her rail-gun but J kicks it away and begins talking, "You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster. I've had prey fight back before, but your edgy spirit is just... so... painful?" while J was doing her monologue Uzi stabbed her leg with her own tail, "Gah! Fourth quarter profits! Mother of company leadership retreats!" J falls onto her back and Uzi points her rail-gun at her, "One more buzz word and I'll do it," "Equity partnershi-" J is blasted at point blank by the beam from Uzi's rail gun, leaving most of her body destroyed. 

All the worker drones start congratulating Uzi by cheering. Uzi glitches slightly and falls backward but N picks her up and places her on his shoulders. Thad (who is somehow fine) approaches Uzi and N, "Holy hell Uzi! That was insane! and you too, uh..." N realizes Thad was talking to him, "Oh! I'm N, A rebellious Disassembly Drone," N does finger guns while some sunglasses appear on his visor. Khan clears his throat to get Uzi's attention. Uzi throws the wrench he gave her on the ground in front of him, "I led the Murder Drones here by accident, you CHOSE to leave me for dead instead of just freaking believing in me! And that isn't even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week!" Khan looks down in shame as Uzi slaps herself to regain her edge levels, "I'll save you the trouble dad, I hereby banish MYSELF from the worker drone colony," everyone looks from Uzi to Khan, but he gives no response. "Lets go, N. Everyone here can bite me," N grabs V, who he tied up, by the head and starts dragging her, "It was nice meeting you Mr Uzi!" N says, trying to be friendly, "Shut it," N flies out through the roof with V and Uzi. Khan stares sadly at the ground as he drinks from his "#1 DAD" mug that he doesn't deserve at all. Z and Shell lock eyes and Z gives a friendly wave, Shell then walks over and grabs Z by the arm and drags her to his apartment.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Shell questions Z, "Uh, I don't know. I woke up on one of those Disassembly Drones' back, and I guess I just went along with it, I didn't hurt anyone though!" Shell sighs, "Knowing you, you probably somehow managed to sleepwalk over there," Z chuckles in embarrassment, "Heh, sorry," Shell walks over to the phone that's in his room, "I'm gonna have you stay with my friend for a week, just think of it as a, uh, vacation," Shell dials someone on the phone and starts talking to them, meanwhile Z just smiles while standing still. Shell finally finished talking, "C'mon, I'll take you to my friends house," Shell walks out of his apartment and Z follows him. I heard Shell's friend is quite the doll.

Uzi sits up on a car, watching the sun rise. N peaks out from a shaded area, "I would join you if the sun didn't kill me! I hope you're having some sort of important character development though!" Uzi stands up and turns towards N, but not fully, "Just can't wait to murder all humans. I hope they're sitting pretty there on Earth, cause we're coming for them," Uzi's eye glitches slightly as she cackles, I wonder what that means?

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