7 ~Actual Eldritch beings canonically exist, no joke I'm being serious~

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(1809 words)
1:55 AM goes hard. I finally finished this! YES! Oh thank Cheesus. You can thank my friend for helping me get back on actually continuing after procrastinating for over a week. :3

N, holding Uzi and Thad, lands at the front doors of the colony. They're greeted by a worker drone, "Welcome back Thad! Eh- Uh, wait. Isn't she grounded or something?" "Banished!" Uzi corrects him, "Has my dad been saying I'm grounded?!" the worker looks at N, "Genocide robot?" N does a little 👉👈 and hands the worker a card that says, "I'm sorry" on it. "Oh alright, just don't do it again, get in here ya goobs," the worker attaches the card to the door using a magnet.

An investigation is going on where Tim disappeared but it doesn't look quite right... where did all this mangled Worker Drone parts come from? "Yeah, where's Khan? cause this looks, hmm, not ideal," the other worker responds, "Parent-Teacher conference, something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway, kind of cringe," "Eew yeah- eugh- give me a minute, yeah almost threw up," Uzi watches and listens, hearing how those two feel about her, it makes her angry. "You good?" N asks quietly, "I'm good, stop asking," Uzi replies as she pushes N away. Uzi does some hand signals and N and Thad follow Uzi across the hallway. "any, forensic things, over there?" the worker says, "do we have finger prints?" suddenly some of the other workers disappear, which obviously shocks the worker drone. She turns and sees the rest of the worker drones disappear, even her coffee and the crime scene disappear. I drop of oil falls onto her hand, as she looks up she takes off her sunglasses, which reveals her frightened expression as she sees whatever is above.

"I mean, you don't think it's my... parenting do you? I left her for dead ONCE. It sounds like she's bored in your class and the other kids suck. Call her damaged again and I will install a DOOR on your FACE!" Khan pulls out a wrench and points it at Uzi's teacher, while he plays solitaire on his visor screen. Lizzy, Doll, and Z sit in the back, awaiting their turn for their parent-teacher conference. Z covers herself using her wings as she sleeps while hanging from the ceiling using her tail as Lizzy gives out a sigh of boredom. "Where are your folks?" Lizzy asks in a neutral voice. Doll looks back at the coin spinning on the table as she responds, "мертвы, я видел, как они умирали(dead, I watched them die)," "That was the joke, idiot," That was not a funny joke. A person that looks strangely like Lizzy knocks on the door, then waves at the real Lizzy, momentarily transforming into those camera things. "That girl is... Gorgeous, right? I'm gonna let her in," Lizzy begins walking over to the door to let in fake Lizzy as Doll shows a slight bit of fear, and Z has fallen from her sleeping spot, but she, uh, she doesn't wake up despite the thump heard as she lands on the chair that was below her. Robo-Jesus she's a heavy sleeper.

Uzi shines a flashlight around, looking for anything. Eventually she spots the spot J is... or well, was. Uzi makes her light follow the trail of oil while asking, "You guys... do that often?" N chuckles, "ha ha! No. I'm very concerned... but also pretty frightened a little bit," he does some finger guns. "Ay Zi," Thad calls out to Uzi, "What's this thing?" he points his flashlight at something on the wall labelled "Absolute Solver". "Hey Uzi, isn't that your special eye?" N points out, "Don't call it that!" Uzi replies angrily. She approaches the text, "Absolute Solver? Does this have something to do with how you grew your head back?" N chuckles, "I typically avoid unpacking how that works," Uzi carefully examines the text, "New material can't be pulled from thin air, if the wound is severe enough then perhaps this Solver might be some sort of auto-run program to collect more matter-" N puts his hand in front of Uzi's mouth to shush her. When Uzi looks at N and Thad they look scared, then she sees the weird tendril with a hand at the end. The hand grabs Thad as Uzi uses her flashlight to follow the tendril part of the hand. The tendril leads up to somewhere dark so Uzi has N shoot a rocket to see what's up there. The only way to describe what they saw is the word Centipede. Thad suddenly starts getting dragged away by the hand tendril, but N throws a ninja star that cuts of the hand of the tendril, which saves Thad. "I want a freaking ninja star!" Uzi complains right before she and N get knocked back by a claw, that same claw then grabs Thad and drags him away. "You good?" N asks Uzi, "Stop asking!... Chainsaw hand time?" N raises his chainsaw hands in response.

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