2 ~A friendly Murder Drone?! Well kind of~

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3rd Person

Uzi walks through the snow of Copper-9, going to her destination, the Murder Drones Lair. As she walks Uzi accidentally steps on a discarded worker drone head, cracking the visor. Uzi looks up to see the spire of worker drone corpses the Murder Drones made. She walks through the hole in the spire and sees some sort of pod thing with a bunch of corpses surrounding it. She walks through the corpses and picks up an arm before promptly throwing it behind herself. Uzi then picks up what looks somewhat like an energy core, but before she can inspect it the sounds of a murder drone are audible. She ducks behind some debris as the murder drone lands at the pod thing, crushing a worker drone head with ease. Uzi looks back at the energy cell for a split second but when she looks back at the murder drone, it's looking directly at her. As the Murder Drone charges at her, she quickly puts the energy cell into her railgun and prepares to shoot it. The Murder Drone lands in front of Uzi, sending enough of a shock wave to knock the railgun out and send her falling back. Uzi manages to pull off a back flip and land in a fighting pose, "Whoa -- and they said pirating all that anime was useless," this amazement was cut short as the Murder Drone moves in front of Uzi and Uzi holds her hands in front of her head for protection, the Murder Drone then stabs Uzi's hand with it's nanite acid tail. The Murder Drone flings Uzi towards where she was hiding earlier, which happened to be close to where her railgun is. The Murder Drone turns around and gets ready to shoot Uzi but can't find her at first, then it looks over and sees Uzi pointing the railgun at it, "Bite me," Uzi calls out right before she shoots the railgun, obliterating the Murder Drone's head. "Holy hell. Suck on that, dad! Huh?" Uzi's celebration was seemingly cut short by the Murder Drone regrowing it's head. Uzi rushes to find a weapon, since the rail-gun has a 30 minute cool down, grabs an arm and smacks the Murder Drone with it.

 "Did you just slap me with that arm?" the Murder Drone suddenly asks in a seemingly friendly voice. "Holy crap, it talks," Uzi immediately says. "Yeah, sorry -- it's just, my, uh, head kinda hurts. Hey are you new to our squad? You're a little, uh... short, for a Disassembly Drone," The Murder Drone notes, he starts glaring at Uzi and she just acts like everything is fine. "I'm Serial Designation N! Nice to meet you," N suddenly says to Uzi, "I'm kind of the leader of the squad in this city. That's not true. Everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible. Wait, I-I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits. Well, honesty is the best policy," N chuckles, "I also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life. Ah, but i'm sure that'll sort itself out!" he chuckles again and smiles at Uzi. Uzi stares at N for a few seconds before responding, "Uh-huh. I, uh, have to... go," as she starts walking the pain from the nanite acid she was stabbed with kicks in. "Oof, stung yourself? Just pop it in your mouth. Our saliva neutralizes the nanites. Otherwise, I'd constantly be disassembling myself," N grabs his tail while giving out a singular "Heh!" Uzi looks towards N, "And by "our saliva" you mean..." Uzi begins to say, "Disassembly Drone?" both N and Uzi says at the same time. "Right. Hey lets go in that landing pod over there," N takes a quick glance at it, "Sure! I love doing anything!"

Uzi takes her hand out of N's mouth. They are now in the landing pod. "Sweet. Uh... I'm open to new things, I guess," "We are never talking about this," "Talking about what? Consider it, uh, repressed," N changes his eyes to sunglasses. "Uh, you mentioned other members of your squad? Are they coming back soon?" N seems to get a little excited, "Oh, yeah -- two others. Uh, they're out hunting for a bit, but you'll love them. First, there's V."

"No, no!" a worker drone calls out as V rips a part of his body out. "Please, don't feed me my own entrails in front of my family!" the worker begs right before V violently forces him to eat his own entrails. The worker's child yells out, "Daddy!" N just watches with slight bits of fear. V laughs manically, "And yet, I still feel nothing." N decides to start up a conversation, "So, V, Uh..." he chuckles nervously, "I heard this planet-wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight," V looks at N, "Huh? Oh God! Who are you?" V then flies off leaving N alone, "Uh, no worries! I'm N! But a-a whole letter is a lot to remember!" he chuckles slightly.

"So, obviously a lot of mutual respect there. But secretly, I actually kind of have a crush on her. You can't tell her, okay?!" N chuckles but looks at Uzi for some kind of notice that she wont tell. Uzi does a little motion to represent zipping her lips. "Uh, then, there's J -- Our leader!"

J is standing on N with one of her legs, "N, you're worthless and terrible," N is enjoying this and manages to choke out some words while under the pressure of J's leg, "thank you," J narrows her eyes at him, "And if the company allowed it, I would straight up kill you myself," J threatens N by pointing her tail at him.

"J's awesome. Hey, let me give you the tour -- outside are the corpse... wall thingies. In here are the buttons!" N makes a variety of beep and boop sounds. "This isn't just a landing pod," Uzi points out, "This is a spaceship, this could get us off the planet," "more of a one-use missile, they never taught us how to land," N chuckles slightly. "No, I- uh- uh, the worker drone- we could work with them to fix this, instead of all the murder!" Uzi points at N, "Which, uh, why are we doing that?" "other than ingesting their, warm, sweet oil to prevent overheating and dying? I guess I just want to feel useful, I was given a job, and I always want to try my best!" N smiles at Uzi, hoping she understands, "Well look at all the respect that's gotten you, N. Do you really think the company isn't gonna dispose of you once you finish the job?" "oh my, you sure are rebellious! it's kind of exciting, but uh not as fun as following the rules of course," N does some finger guns at Uzi when suddenly they both hear some thumping coming from outside the pod, "Oh! That must be the others! You'll love to meet... them?" Uzi seems to have disappeared from the pod, "Idiot! get out here!"

V sees Uzi run as fast as she can to get away from Disassembly Drones. V laughs as she crawls into the corpse wall thingies. "Yo, we got a worker out there I kind of want to practice balloon animal shapes with- what happened here?" V stares at J and N as N stands there staring straight forward while J has an annoyed expression, "Synergistic Liability over here knocked himself offline," J smacks N's face which causes a reboot, "Moron bot, hello?" when N reboots he remembers that fight he had with Uzi, "Oh. Oh! I left an extremely dangerous weapo- excuse outside!" N quickly rushes in the direction Uzi ran. V makes a flag come out of her arm that reads "Literally so insanely suspicious" when both J and V hear a thump, when they look at where it is they're shocked. It's Z, lying on the ground, and for J and V this is the first time they've seen a Disassembly Drone that isn't each other or N. "no I don't wanna eat that..." Z mumbles, presumably asleep, don't question how robots can have dreams, it seems like Z sleep walked over here. J thinks for a moment then comes up with a decent plan, "bring her with, she could possibly be useful and maybe not as useless as N," V grabs Z by the leg and hoists her over her shoulder as she and J go fly off towards where N went.

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