The Demon God of Nazarick

Comenzar desde el principio

The Guild Members And GuildMaster Were At A Loss For Words That There Demonic Deity Has Returned But They Were Happy That a Close Friend Arrived and He Appeared In His Human Form With a Smile.

(An:Pic in Original and teeth And Gums Are Sharp As HELL,Basically REALLY Strong Fangs)

Tabula:And The Satan Of Satan Arrives.

Bukubukuchagama:Long Time No See (U/n).

(U/n) Just Smirked And Said.....

(U/n):Probably Because I Stayed In Touch And Kept Playing.

Momonga:Yeah He's Right But Let's Go To The Throne Room And Relax With The Staff Of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Everyone Else:YEAH! 

He wasn't Listening As he Had One thing On his Mind.....

(U/n):'I Hope The Kids Are Alright And My Wife,Shiroi'

Will:Just To Be Clear,His Wife Is A Literal YANDERE Angel And There Kids Are Nephalem.


He was Sitting On The "Thrown Of Hell's King" And Sitting With You Was Your Wife,Shiroi,Who Had Wrapped Her Arms Around Your Neck And Began Cuddling You(An:Want her looks,go to original)

(Y/n) and The males in the theater and of Nazarick blushed at how beautiful and he was mentally cheering that she's his wife and the males were jealous and the females were trying not to murder anyone due to how she's better looking than them.

Along With him And his Wife Was their Three Sons:Kai,Haruto And Itsuki And their Three Daughters:Sugoi,Winter And Seika.

Sons:(Original for pictures)

(Haruto) Age:8

(Kai) Age:6

(Itsuki) Age:4

Daughters:(go to original for pictures)

(Seika) age:7

(Sugoi) Age:3


When the Children Were Revealed,Everyone Cooed At Their Appearence And Smiled At Them.

Cocytus:Amazing And Wait A Minute........Does This Mean......?

He suddenly an Excited Tone as he shouts.

Cocytus:YES!IT MUST!The other Me Is UNCLE Cocytus.HOORAY!HOORAY.

Everyone Just SweatDropped As Shinra Asked What's On Everyone's Mind.

Shinra:Is He..........Always Like This?

Nazarick Denizens:Yes!

(U/n):'*sigh*Im Sorry,My Love But..I.....Can't Take You Or Our Children To Where Im Going'

He Leaned Foward And Peck his 6 Children's Heads As he Tells Them That.....

(U/n)[Crying]:D-daddy Loves You Kids And....As Much As It  Hurts......Daddy Is Going To Leave And He WON'T Be Able To Come Back.

He Looked At Shiroi As She Retains Her Smile But he Just Sighs Knowing She's JUST An NPC And Not a Person But he Still Loves Her and Kisses Her Lips As he Looked her In The Eyes And Say....

(U/n):I Love You.

You Feel Someone Grab Your Shoulder and You See That It Was Touch-Me.

Touch-Me:Don't Worry (U/N),There Are Still Girls IRL That Are Single And Looking For Someone.

The Others Came Over As They Each Said To Not Worry About But he just Tells Them To Just Leave him Alone As he Looked At Clock And See Not Long was left Until he Must Leave his Family......Forever. 





(U/n):Goodbye Kids,Daddy Loves You.


(U/n):And........Goodbye...Shiroi,The Love Of My Life,The Light Of My Dark And The mother Of My Children.






Momonga:'That's The same Thing That Happened To Me!'

He Looked Around To See That he was Still In Nazarick And he was Still his Avatar but he saw Momonga Trying To Use The Console But Failed And he was Panicking And Tried to Do It,himself But Failed As he was Shocked And Screamed In his Head.


??:Is Something the Matter,My Lords?

(U/n) Look Next To You To See Albedo Has Spoken But Another Voice Came As they Spoke In Calm and Welcoming Voice.

??:Honey,Are you Alright?You Look Scared And Pale.

He Looked beside him And saw Shiroi Looking At him With A Worried Face.

Shiroi:Dear,Please!PLEASE!Tell Me That Your Okay,I Don't Want You To Die Because I'm Your Wife And I Love You.

(U/n) Was No Longer Shocked But Surprised And Happy As She Said That SHE Loved HIM But You Smile And Lift Her Head Up To See Her Crying Face And (U/n) Kept A Smile on his Face As he Leaned In And Kissed Her While,Shiroi Still Had tears In her Eyes before Becoming Surprised But Soon Melted Into The Action And they Both Stopped And he Enveloped Her In A Hug.


(U/n)[Crying And Smiling]:I-im Here!I-im S-still H-here!Y-you And The K-kids Can Talk To Me!I Love You All So Much.

He Suddenly Feel 12 Tiny Arms wrap Around him And Shiroi As he Looked to see It Was his children.

The Nephalem Kids:We Love You And Mommy Too,Daddy!!

You Look At Them And Shiroi With a Teary Smile As You Pick Them All Up And Hug Them.

(U/n):I Promise That I Will NEVER Leave You Behind.


Will:What Did You All Think?

Everyone:SO EMOTIONAL!!!

Asia:The Ending Was SO Romantic And Beautiful.

Mina And Toru(Crying):That Was So Amazing. 

Momonga:I'll Admit That it Was Unique But Interesting As Well.


Lotte:It Reminds me Of "NightFall"

Sucy:I Liked The Horrifying Creatures And The Mushrooms That Appeared.




Will:well,tune in next time.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real world Reader):All At Once!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora