3 - Good Morning Brooklyn!

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Sarah Rogers POV - May 11th 1918

It was early in the morning when I woke up. I had to get up because this kid was doing a number on my bladder. I picked up my blanket and draped it over my sleeping brother as I walked past. He was shivering a little.

I waddled to the bathroom and then waddled back a few minutes later. When I got back, Joel was writhing under the blanket with sweat on his brow. His hat was still off and on the floor by the door, so his blonde hair was sticking to his forehead.

He was grunting in his sleep and I got worried. I went over to him, keeping a fair distance to be safe and whispered his name. He didn't wake up so I said it louder. He still didn't wake up, so I gave a gentle tap on his shoulder.

His eyes immediately opened and he sprang up to his feet. When he turned to me, his eyes were glazed over and he was breathing quickly. It took only a minute for his eyes to clear, but when they did he collapsed into the chair again moaning.


Joel Rogers POV - May 11th 1918

When my vision cleared and my heart started to calm, only then did the pain in my body register. I ended up collapsing face first back into the chair and started moaning as my body reminded me that I was still recovering from shrapnel.

"Are you alright?" Sarah cooed while caressing my hair.

"I'm fine. My brain just forgot that my body is sore, but I think it remembered." I groaned. "I'll be fine. I'll sleep on the couch. You should sleep in your room for a few more hours."

Sarah hummed in concern, but then started waddling to her room. "Alright, Joel. See you in a few hours."

I waved from the chair as I waited for the pain to dampen so I could try moving to the coach.


[4/5/24] Reupload.

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