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hey guys so remember when I asked you the suggestions you wanted?
uhh all of you said to not kill anyone
but uhhhhhhhhhhhh I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION MUAHAHAHAH IM GONNA MAKE SUNNY DIE /hj (he will later don't worr-wait what)


Why am I so stupid.
He wasn't gay. He just saw me and wanted to make me feel better. And I just thought it was that.
Basil...that's not tr-
Sunny, you kissed her. I've seen you since who knows when, and I know that you two are together.
Basil, I told you, I don't like her.
Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.
...Basil, please-

This is the worst birthday I've had.

Polly knocks on the door.
"Basil? Are you alright?"
"Go away, mom."
"Well, I just wanted to say-"
"I'm not feeling well."
"...Sunny's here."

The door opens with Sunny looking away at my eyes.
Pretty, but not redeemed. Stand your ground.
"Tell him to leave, mom."
"Give him 5 minutes, okay?"

Polly closes the door. Sunny holds a green book with him. Not of interest.
"Look, I just wanted to say that I didn't want to kiss her, she kissed me, okay?"
" seemed like you liked it."
"No, you asparagus, I didn't want to kiss her! I needed something from her and she told me to drink or I wouldn't get it, and..."
"What did you want."
" was something for your birthday. Been planning this since January, I think."
"...I don't care, you still kissed her and that's a fact."
"Basil, I-"
"GET OUT!" I throw my shears at him. It cuts him on the cheek. The familiar smell of blood fills the room. Good.

I watch from my window as Sunny steps out on the front porch. He...burrows his head into his arms as Aubrey watches. Wow, they're gonna kiss again, aren't they.
...He leaves the green book and walks away. Not of interest.
My phone rings.

"Hello? This is Basil."
Aubrey answers the phone. "Okay, before you hang up, I wanted to say everything Sunny said is true."
"...go on."
"Remember when I...said that I kinda liked Sunny?"
"Yeah...I may or may not have gotten drunk as an excuse to kiss him. I know you hate me now, least don't take this out on Sunny. He loves you, okay?"
"God, I...I yelled at Sunny for nothing."
"Go outside and open the book."
I open the door.
"...Sunny wanted this...he really is a nice boy, 'kay?"
The words "Basil's new memories" are plated onto the photo album.
It's...full of my friends.
Sunny...Kel...Aubrey...Hero...why did he do this?
"He...really cares about you."
I turn the page.

TAKE TWO (sorry i think i ruined it i was just thinking of the "WhO pOsTeD mY nUdEs oN tWiTtEr dOt cOm?" meme)

Just so...beautiful...
" did you get these?"
"Uhh, I may or may not have been there when you were making out.
"N-no, don't worry! You only looked, like, a quarter horny."
"I...have to go apologize to Sunny. Where is he?"
"He said he went to the forest, I don't know what he's doing in there, like throwing rocks or something, I don't know."
"...I have to go."
"I know what he's doing."


...he hates me.
I can't change his mind.
He'll always hate me.
But if I'm the problem...
I'll end it.

I take out my knife. I can see my reflection in the blade.
I hesitate. Is this the best thing for all of us?
Hero...Hero wouldn't take this well. Or Kel. 
But...what if...
I just went missing?

"...Basil, get out of here."
"Sunny, I'm not mad! Aubrey told me everything and-"
"What, she told you I liked it or something?"
"Sunny, I'm sorry, I didn't know!"
"Sunny, even if I didn't know, I still would have cared if you..." I start to cry. I hate it...the feeling...

Basil...why did it end up like this? Basil...I'm...I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me? My best friend... (Yes I will pull a fucking exact quote from the game from black space)
He pulls his arms around me and kisses me gently in his warm embrace.
I drop my knife.
"Let's go home, okay?"


636 words don't worry guys i listened to you!
uh... *tries to cover up bloo- i mean spaghetti sauce*

you saw nothing you reader *covers camera*

Sunny X Basil: You Make Everything OkayWhere stories live. Discover now