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...why do I always hurt everyone?
I always just hurt others. I'm selfish. I say that I care but I'm really just...
You're perfect the way you are.
You always were there for me when I needed you the most. You sent a freaking knife threat to their faces when I just got punched.
...Sunny, you just don't see it.
I see everything. Well, not everything, or else I'd like to see you in the shower.
I only speak facts. And I say that you're the most help out of everybody. Everybody's sister's death hard...but you've always stayed positive.
Why don't you hate me?
Why would I?
I took your eye out, I've taken your friends, your sister, everything.
...That's true, but here's the thing; you're always worth it. I may only have one eye, but you were only acting in self defense. You didn't purposely try to get rid of everything. My family turned on me not because of you, because they are just assholes.
Please don't think about this. You're worth everything and more. I love you, okay?
...okay. Thanks Sunny.
Now I'd like to try this when you're doing...something else...
Six thirty.
Okay I'll get the tissues for when I nosebleed.
You're serious.
Either way works.
Your dad has taught you well.
It runs through our family. Every seen Mari with Hero?
Anyways, I think the doctors are gonna let me out soon, I'll see you later.
Bye...I guess...

It's a bit weird, to say the least that he can live in my head. And, Sunny, if you're here now, uh, I'm not sorry.
"Hey...huff...heard Sunny...huff...Sunny got knocked up real bad."
"Did here?"
"Scooters, but it still took like an hour," says Aubrey sheepishly. "Sorry I wasn't here."
"T-that's okay."

"But oh my god, Sunny got knocked out and you pulled a fucking KNIFE THREAT ON HIM? ABSOLUTE GOLD! YOU TWO ARE BETTER THAN MARI AND HERO!"
"Uhh, yeah, haha."
Very true.
Oh, sorry. Just wanted to say hi. I'll go now.
"And he lives in my head."
"I think that mind-reading thing runs in the family. According to my imagination, Mari's done it to Hero."
"I think so..."

"So he knows all the things that you want to do to him?"
Sorry...okay, I'll actually go now.
"Do what to him?"
"Four things: half a gallon of whipped cream, a bathtub, alcohol and two condoms. Slap you two in there and bam, you have both of you making out and or fucking each other."

"...I never thought about that please get this out of my brain. Forever. Stop. How do you know this, do you do it with K-"

Sunny stumbles out of the hospital.
"Are you okay?"
"Could have been better. Doctor says I have to not touch the back of my head, don't get into any more fights, blah blah blah."
"Well, they're right, Sunny."
"Yeah, I know...can we just go home?"
"Okay. I think Polly got us a taxi."
"Oh, why, does she not want to see us..." Sunny smirks.

"No! Shut up!"
"I'm sorry." He pulls me in and kisses me.
"You know, despite you making all those dirty jokes, you're still the best boyfriend I had."
"I'm also the only boyfriend you had."

"I'm just joking, Sunny. But still, you are."
I thought for a moment there was a flash.
"Was...that a camera flash?"


527 words

you see what im doing now

oh um rq out of context do you want a happy ending or an teenage angst novel that has a body count

bcuz i have two ideas

lemme know in comments

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