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Sorry I haven't been posting, things have been kinda rough lately


Sunny's dad is coming to Faraway today...
I hope he'll be better than his mom.
Sunny has been arguing over the phone for the past week and it's been draining him.
He puts down the phone and sighs.
"Sunny, I think things have been getting worse lately..."
"You think?"
"Sunny, you don't seem happy anymore."

"I still am...kind of."
He looks through my photo album.
"...I need to go. My dad's coming soon."
He kisses me and leaves quickly.
Why is he such in a hurry?
"Polly, I think I should go with him."
"Okay, but be back soon."

I don't think you understand, do you?
There are two things he's doing right now: one, actually waiting for  his dad to come, or two, the same thing I made you do.
No, he wouldn't. He wouldn't do that.
Go check then. Stalker. He's literally right there.
I follow him and...he's actually just waiting.
Oh, shit, sorry.
Now Orchid give me my 5 clams.
Not until you kill the kid. Little Omori Boy got destroyed by a kid with a violin.
I literally can't. I'm not even in there anymore.
Well that sounds like a you problem.

Can you guys shut up?
Jeez, fine.
"Sunny! You're finally here."
"Thanks, you've been the most supportive person."
"Besides Basil, of course."
Oh. Well now I feel bad.
"Oh, can I meet them? I specifically brought a chair to not throw at Basil."
"Ha ha. Please don't embarrass me in front of him."
"No promises. Take it or leave it."
"Uh, Basil should be at home or at the flower shop, he just got a part time there."

"Oh, that's nice. Always good to have job experience early."
"I feel targeted."

Shit, what do I do? outta nowhere.'re going to Kel's or something.

"So, Basil-oh, Basil, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, um, I was just going to Kel and Hero's place."
"Can it wait? I wanted to introduce you to my dad."

"Don't worry, I'm fine with you and Sunny being together. I just have a few...questions."
"Dad, you are not doing this, I love him and you can't-"
"I'm just kidding. Long as you don't influence Sunny to do drugs or something."

"Uh, dad, what exactly are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to...uh...what was her name again...Polly."
"No, Polly's not here. Polly-gone." I giggle.
"You got it from me, didn't you?"
"Yeah, dad. But actually, she's in Basil's house. I live there know..."
" two can have fun, call your friends or something. I'm going to talk to Polly about some stuff with you and Sunny."
"Okay! Don't throw any furniture while I'm gone!"
"I won't, son!"


...what did he mean when he wanted to talk to Polly about stuff?
" about we just go back and play video games?" Basil suggests.
"Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well."
At our house Basil booted up his laptop.
"Sorry, I don't really have many games..."
"That's fine, what do you have?"
"Super Dash Pros..."
"...fight me."
"Me and Clink are gonna kick your ass."
"I am going to kill you with a freaking flower from Damnable Tossing." (WHAT ARE THESE RIPOFFS)
"A flower? Oh yeah, that's a good weapon. When you're in a street fight, GRAB A FLOWER."
"Oh, uh, we should probably call the others, right?"
"Oh, yeah, I forgor."

budie bud budz (if ya know, ya know say pog to join the sps)

Basil started a call

Basil: join we're playing dash
Kel: wait we doing wat
Aubrey: he literally just said it ten seconds ago you have the attention span of a fucking goldfish
Kel: a wat
Aubrey: just join the call if you wanna play games

Kel joined the call
Aubrey joined the call

"I CALL TONIC (Sonic)! HAHA, IN YOUR FACE!" Aubrey yells.
"Jeez, nevermind, if you all are gonna be like this I'm calling Kiddy Pong." I smirk.
"Sucks for you, go get like, Mrs. Lame and Notch or something."
"Fine, then what's Basil getting?"
"Oh...I just wanted the villager from Damnable Tossing..."
"You poor child, prepare to get sent to next year with my Judge #9-"
"I literally counter you, basically everything I have is long range weapons with flower poison and I'll send you yeeting off the platform with Lip's Tick."

"Oh and I'll be teaming with him-"
"And Sunny's teaming with me."
"Hey, that's not fair!"
"Deal with it."

*120 minutes of me not wanting to write this anymore and too tired to search more stuff up on the fandom because I don't play smash*

"Aw, what the heck, Sunny? Did you have to WAIT for me getting back on the platform only to KO me?"
"Because you did 30% to Basil."
"Okay, but did you really have to use a smash when he was at 83%?"
"Yes. I have to go for a little while, you guys continue playing. Don't touch Basil or I will do the same thing."

I go downstairs to go get something to drink.
"Oh, Sunny! I thought you went upstairs to go play video games with Basil."
"Yeah, I'm just looking for something to drink."
"Oh, um, we have floral tea, if you want..."
"Oh, uh, okay..." (Hydrate or die straight)
*three minutes of boiling water later*
"I'm sorry it took so long."
"It's okay."
I sip my tea. Tastes like lavender. My throat tightens.
"Um, Polly?"
"Yes, Sunny?"
"What were you and Dad talking about?"
"Basically just how Basil is, your likes and dislikes, all of that."
"So he's...fine with it?"
"Oh, of course! He told me as soon as he met Basil, he knew he was a good kid."
"...Wish my mom was this supportive."
"...Don't worry about that right now. I'll make dinner in about an hour, so you have fun with Basil and I'll call you down, okay?"
"Thanks, Polly."
"Aw, no mom yet?"
"That takes time."

I go up to our room.
"Augh, Aubrey, stop targeting me!" Kel shouts at her.
"Well, I don't want to be the one that's getting their ass kicked by Sunny."
"Hi guys."
"Sunny! Where were you?"
"Drinking tea."
"Like a British boy. Ew."
"Basil, overview."
"Beat them up with flowers."
"That's what I like to hear."
"..." Aubrey is laughing.
"Aubrey, what is it now?"
"...GAY!" (That's it Aubrey no more Kim for you)
"Says you, the one with K-"
"Okay never mind"
"Oh, shoot...I forgot to water my plants."
"That's fine, we can pause. Get something to overdose on. Right guys?"
"YEAH! Wait...what was the last part?" Kel asks.
"Go now, Basil." I kiss him gently.


1039 words holy heck
So once during spring break on tuesday i talked to my bestie about a monologue i made for stranger that somehow turned into an all nighter
And now it's became a thing of me always making a monologue before an all nighter
here's two of them:

Let me tell you how the lost one can cope. For four years. After you, Dreamer, murdered her. The lost one felt miserable. He locked himself in just like you did. The only thing in there was blood, sweat and tears. With all of these, he managed to keep it some extent. He had nightmares and woke up in a pool of sweat. He remembered the sirens screeching when they found her body, and he cried until he was emotionless. He remembered how he felt, watching as you, Dreamer, pushed her down to her demise. He took his weapon and spilled blood from his own hand. So answer me, Dreamer. If he is too cold to sweat and has shed his last tear, what's left to cope with? (I'm probably gonna use this one)

Please, Dreamer, understand that anything you do will be scattered to oblivion when you inevitably regain conscience of reality. Your friends are merely using a disguise, hiding the anger and depression under a happy expression. However, the chains of lies will be lifted from the emotion of your friends. So tell me, Dreamer, was it worth it? To get out of a hole, only to realize the war raging in the land? Whatever you think, the decisions have been made. I hope you like what you chose.

Sunny X Basil: You Make Everything OkayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang